Installing pyo with pip¶
In most use cases the best way to install pyo on your system is by using a pre-built package for your operating system. These packages are available through pip. Current version supports Python 3.9 to 3.13. Older supported Python versions are 2.7 (up to 1.0.1), 3.5 (up to 1.0.1), 3.6 (up to 1.0.4). To install, run this command (if you have both python2 and python3 installed and want to target python3, use pip3):
pip install --user pyo
If you are not sure to which version of python the pip command is bound to, you can invoke it as a script from the python command.
# for python 3.13
python3.13 -m pip install --user pyo
# for python 3.13 under Windows (`py` is the python launcher command)
py -3.13 -m pip install --user pyo
# if you want to install system-wide under MacOS or linux, use `sudo`
sudo python3 -m pip install pyo
For instructions on building from source package, see Compiling pyo from sources. This information is useful mainly for advanced users.
Pyo is a python module…¶
… which means that python must be present (version 3.9 to 3.13) on the system. If python is not installed, you can download it on
Pyo also offers some GUI facilities to control or visualize the audio processing. If you want to use all of pyo’s GUI features, you must install WxPython, available on or with pip:
pip install --user wxPython
Removing older version of pyo (prior to 1.0.0)¶
Prior to version 1.0.0, pyo was installed with binary installers on MacOS and Windows. pip knows nothing about these files and therefore cannot automatically removed them. To avoid conflicts between versions, it’s best to remove older installation of pyo.
On MacOS, you can run this script for the version of python for which you want to use 1.0.0.
As an example, if you want to remove an old installation under python 3.6, run
sudo python3.6
You should also delete the E-pyo app in the Applications folder.
Under Windows, all you have to do is to run the uninstaller that comes with pyo to remove all its components. It is located in the python root directory (ex.: C:\Python27) and is named unins000.exe.
On linux, if you installed pyo from the system’s package manager, just uninstall it. If you compile pyo from sources, you have to delete the files manually (in site-packages or dist-packages folder of your python distribution). Files to delete are:,,,, pyolib/ and pyo…egg.
Running the EPyo text editor¶
To be “pip” compliant, I’ve had to make a choice and removed the pre-built E-Pyo application previously installed alongside pyo. But the truth is that this application lives in a single python script and can be easily used as long as WxPython is installed under the current python distribution. The installation with pip puts this program under the Scripts folder (or bin folder, depending on which system you are running) of the python distribution. If python’s path is in your PATH environment variable (which should really be the case), all you have to do to start EPyo is to run this command in a terminal or a command prompt: