Pyo 1.0.5 documentation
Table of Contents
About pyo
Installing pyo with pip
Compiling pyo from sources
Structure of the library
Getting started
Configuring the audio output (Windows)
Improve performance of pyo programs
API documentation
Advanced tutorials
a (Atan2 property)
(Div property)
(Sub property)
a0 (Biquada property)
a1 (Biquada property)
a2 (Biquada property)
Abs (class in pyo)
abs() (EventGenerator method)
add (PyoObject property)
add() (PyoTableObject method)
addAddress() (OscDataReceive method)
(OscDataSend method)
(OscListReceive method)
(OscReceive method)
addInput() (Mixer method)
addLinkedObject() (PyoObjectBase method)
addMidiEvent() (Server method)
Adsr (class in pyo)
afterout() (Server method)
allowAutoStart() (PyoObjectBase method)
allowMicrosoftMidiDevices() (Server method)
Allpass (class in pyo)
Allpass2 (class in pyo)
AllpassWG (class in pyo)
amp (Server property)
ampfade (TrigBurst property)
append() (SndTable method)
appendFadeTime() (Looper method)
arg (CallAfter property)
(Pattern property)
(TrigFunc property)
arnda (OscBank property)
arndf (OscBank property)
Atan2 (class in pyo)
AtanTable (class in pyo)
AToDB (class in pyo)
Atone (class in pyo)
attack (Adsr property)
(MidiAdsr property)
(MidiDelAdsr property)
AttackDetector (class in pyo)
autoNormalize() (ChebyTable method)
(HarmTable method)
autosmooth (Looper property)
(Pointer2 property)
Average (class in pyo)
azimuth (Binaural property)
(HRTF property)
azispan (Binaural property)
b (Atan2 property)
(Div property)
(Sub property)
b0 (Biquada property)
b1 (Biquada property)
b2 (Biquada property)
bal (Chorus property)
(CvlVerb property)
(Freeverb property)
(STRev property)
(SuperSaw property)
(WGVerb property)
Balance (class in pyo)
BandSplit (class in pyo)
base (Pow property)
basedur (Granulator property)
basefreq (PadSynthTable property)
(PVAmpMod property)
(PVFreqMod property)
Beat (class in pyo)
beatToDur() (in module pyo)
beginResamplingBlock() (Server method)
Bendin (class in pyo)
bendout() (Server method)
Between (class in pyo)
bias (CurveTable property)
Binaural (class in pyo)
bipolarGain() (PyoTableObject method)
Biquad (class in pyo)
Biquada (class in pyo)
Biquadx (class in pyo)
bitdepth (Degrade property)
Blit (class in pyo)
blur() (PyoMatrixObject method)
boost (EQ property)
boost() (PyoMatrixObject method)
boot() (Server method)
brange (Bendin property)
BrownNoise (class in pyo)
ButBP (class in pyo)
ButBR (class in pyo)
ButHP (class in pyo)
ButLP (class in pyo)
bw (Allpass2 property)
(IRPulse property)
(IRWinSinc property)
(PadSynthTable property)
bwscl (PadSynthTable property)
CallAfter (class in pyo)
carrier (CrossFM property)
(FM property)
(IRFM property)
CarToPol (class in pyo)
Ceil (class in pyo)
ceil() (EventGenerator method)
centralkey (MToT property)
Centroid (class in pyo)
CentsToTranspo (class in pyo)
Change (class in pyo)
channel (Bendin property)
(Midictl property)
(Notein property)
(Programin property)
(Touchin property)
chaos (ChenLee property)
(LogiMap property)
(Lorenz property)
(Rossler property)
ChebyTable (class in pyo)
ChenLee (class in pyo)
chnl (SndTable property)
chnls (DataTable property)
(NewTable property)
choice (Choice property)
Choice (class in pyo)
choice (Iter property)
(Snap property)
(TrigChoice property)
Chorus (class in pyo)
class_args() (in module pyo)
Clean_objects (class in pyo)
clear() (Expseg method)
(Linseg method)
(Mixer method)
Clip (class in pyo)
clip() (EventGenerator method)
closeGui() (Server method)
Cloud (class in pyo)
comp (Compare property)
(Max property)
(Min property)
Compare (class in pyo)
ComplexRes (class in pyo)
Compress (class in pyo)
ControlRead (class in pyo)
ControlRec (class in pyo)
controlsig (SampHold property)
(TrackHold property)
convertArgsToLists() (in module pyo)
convertStringToSysEncoding() (in module pyo)
Convolve (class in pyo)
copy() (PyoTableObject method)
copyData() (PyoTableObject method)
Cos (class in pyo)
CosLogTable (class in pyo)
CosTable (class in pyo)
Count (class in pyo)
count (TrigBurst property)
Counter (class in pyo)
crossfade (SmoothDelay property)
CrossFM (class in pyo)
ctlnumber (Midictl property)
ctlout() (Server method)
CtlScan (class in pyo)
CtlScan2 (class in pyo)
ctrl() (Adsr method)
(Allpass method)
(Allpass2 method)
(AllpassWG method)
(Atone method)
(AttackDetector method)
(Average method)
(Balance method)
(BandSplit method)
(Beat method)
(Bendin method)
(Between method)
(Binaural method)
(Biquad method)
(Biquada method)
(Biquadx method)
(Blit method)
(BrownNoise method)
(ButBP method)
(ButBR method)
(ButHP method)
(ButLP method)
(Centroid method)
(ChenLee method)
(Choice method)
(Chorus method)
(Clip method)
(Cloud method)
(ComplexRes method)
(Compress method)
(Count method)
(Counter method)
(CrossFM method)
(CvlVerb method)
(Degrade method)
(Delay method)
(Disto method)
(EQ method)
(Euclide method)
(Expand method)
(Fader method)
(FastSine method)
(FM method)
(Follower method)
(Follower2 method)
(FourBand method)
(Freeverb method)
(FreqShift method)
(Gate method)
(Granulator method)
(Granule method)
(Harmonizer method)
(HRTF method)
(IFFT method)
(IFFTMatrix method)
(Input method)
(Interp method)
(IRFM method)
(IRPulse method)
(IRWinSinc method)
(LFO method)
(LogiMap method)
(Lookup method)
(Looper method)
(Lorenz method)
(MatrixPointer method)
(Max method)
(Metro method)
(MidiAdsr method)
(Midictl method)
(MidiDelAdsr method)
(MidiLinseg method)
(Min method)
(Mirror method)
(Mixer method)
(MoogLP method)
(Noise method)
(Notein method)
(Osc method)
(OscBank method)
(OscLoop method)
(OscTrig method)
(Pan method)
(Particle method)
(Particle2 method)
(Pattern method)
(PeakAmp method)
(Percent method)
(Phaser method)
(Phasor method)
(PinkNoise method)
(Pointer method)
(Pointer2 method)
(Port method)
(Programin method)
(Pulsar method)
(PVAddSynth method)
(PVAmpMod method)
(PVBuffer method)
(PVBufLoops method)
(PVCross method)
(PVFilter method)
(PVFreqMod method)
(PVGate method)
(PVMorph method)
(PVShift method)
(PVSynth method)
(PVTranspose method)
(PVVerb method)
(PyoObject method)
(PyoPVObject method)
(RandDur method)
(Randh method)
(Randi method)
(RandInt method)
(RCOsc method)
(Reson method)
(Resonx method)
(RMS method)
(Rossler method)
(Scale method)
(SDelay method)
(Select method)
(Selector method)
(Seq method)
(SfMarkerLooper method)
(SfMarkerShuffler method)
(SfPlayer method)
(Sig method)
(SigTo method)
(Sine method)
(SineLoop method)
(SmoothDelay method)
(SPan method)
(STRev method)
(SumOsc method)
(SuperSaw method)
(SVF method)
(SVF2 method)
(Switch method)
(TableIndex method)
(TableRead method)
(TableScale method)
(Tone method)
(Touchin method)
(TrigBurst method)
(TrigEnv method)
(TrigExpseg method)
(TrigLinseg method)
(TrigRand method)
(TrigRandInt method)
(TrigVal method)
(TrigXnoise method)
(TrigXnoiseMidi method)
(Urn method)
(Vectral method)
(Vocoder method)
(Waveguide method)
(WGVerb method)
(Wrap method)
(Xnoise method)
(XnoiseDur method)
(XnoiseMidi method)
(Yin method)
(ZCross method)
CurveTable (class in pyo)
cutoff (AttackDetector property)
(STRev property)
(WGVerb property)
(Yin property)
CvlVerb (class in pyo)
damp (Freeverb property)
(PadSynthTable property)
(PVGate property)
(PVVerb property)
(Vectral property)
dataOnly (SLMap property)
DataTable (class in pyo)
DBToA (class in pyo)
DCBlock (class in pyo)
deactivateMidi() (Server method)
decay (Adsr property)
(ComplexRes property)
(MidiAdsr property)
(MidiDelAdsr property)
Degrade (class in pyo)
delAddress() (OscDataReceive method)
(OscDataSend method)
(OscListReceive method)
(OscReceive method)
delay (Allpass property)
Delay (class in pyo)
delay (Delay property)
(MidiDelAdsr property)
(SDelay property)
(SmoothDelay property)
Delay1 (class in pyo)
delInput() (Mixer method)
deltable (PVDelay property)
deltime (AttackDetector property)
Denorm (class in pyo)
dens (Granule property)
(Particle property)
(Particle2 property)
density (Cloud property)
depth (Chorus property)
(PVFreqMod property)
detune (AllpassWG property)
(SuperSaw property)
dev (Particle property)
(Particle2 property)
deviate() (EventGenerator method)
dir (Counter property)
(Thresh property)
disable() (PyoGuiControlSlider method)
dist (TrigXnoise property)
(TrigXnoiseMidi property)
(Xnoise property)
(XnoiseDur property)
(XnoiseMidi property)
distanceToSegment() (in module pyo)
Disto (class in pyo)
Div (class in pyo)
div() (PyoTableObject method)
down (Vectral property)
downsamp() (in module pyo)
downthresh (Expand property)
drive (Disto property)
Dummy (class in pyo)
dump() (PyoObjectBase method)
dur (Adsr property)
(Fader property)
(Granulator property)
(Granule property)
(Looper property)
(Particle property)
(Particle2 property)
(TrigEnv property)
(Waveguide property)
editor() (Expr method)
(MML method)
elespan (Binaural property)
elevation (Binaural property)
(HRTF property)
enable() (PyoGuiControlSlider method)
endResamplingBlock() (Server method)
env (Granulator property)
(Granule property)
(Particle property)
(Particle2 property)
(Pulsar property)
EQ (class in pyo)
Euclide (class in pyo)
EventCall (class in pyo)
EventChoice (class in pyo)
EventConditional (class in pyo)
EventDrunk (class in pyo)
EventDummy (class in pyo)
EventFilter (class in pyo)
EventGenerator (class in pyo)
EventIndex (class in pyo)
EventInstrument (class in pyo)
EventKey (class in pyo)
EventMarkov (class in pyo)
EventNoise (class in pyo)
Events (class in pyo)
events() (Events method)
EventScale (class in pyo)
EventSeq (class in pyo)
EventSlide (class in pyo)
example() (in module pyo)
exp (Adsr property)
Exp (class in pyo)
exp (Expseg property)
(ExpTable property)
(Fader property)
(MidiAdsr property)
(MidiDelAdsr property)
(Scale property)
(TrigExpseg property)
Expand (class in pyo)
expand (TrigBurst property)
exponent (Pow property)
Expr (class in pyo)
expr (Expr property)
Expseg (class in pyo)
ExpTable (class in pyo)
fade (PVCross property)
(PVMorph property)
fadein (Fader property)
fadein() (PyoTableObject method)
fadeInSeconds() (Looper method)
fadeout (Fader property)
fadeout() (PyoTableObject method)
Fader (class in pyo)
falltime (Compress property)
(Expand property)
(Follower2 property)
(Gate property)
(Port property)
FastSine (class in pyo)
feed (AllpassWG property)
feedback (Allpass property)
(Chorus property)
(Delay property)
(Harmonizer property)
(NewTable property)
(OscLoop property)
(Phaser property)
(SineLoop property)
(SmoothDelay property)
(WGVerb property)
feedtable (PVDelay property)
FFT (class in pyo)
fill() (Beat method)
filterfreq (Particle2 property)
filterq (Particle2 property)
filtertype (Particle2 property)
first (EventScale property)
(Notein property)
(PVAddSynth property)
firstRefGain (STRev property)
firstVelocity (Notein property)
fjit (OscBank property)
floatmap() (in module pyo)
Floor (class in pyo)
floor() (EventGenerator method)
FM (class in pyo)
Follower (class in pyo)
Follower2 (class in pyo)
FourBand (class in pyo)
frac (Pulsar property)
FrameAccum (class in pyo)
FrameDelta (class in pyo)
framesize (FrameAccum property)
(FrameDelta property)
(Vectral property)
Freeverb (class in pyo)
freq (Allpass2 property)
(AllpassWG property)
(Atone property)
(Balance property)
(Biquad property)
(Biquadx property)
(Blit property)
(ButBP property)
(ButBR property)
(ButHP property)
(ButLP property)
(Choice property)
(ComplexRes property)
(EQ property)
(FastSine property)
(Follower property)
(IRPulse property)
(IRWinSinc property)
(LFO property)
(LogiMap property)
(MoogLP property)
(Osc property)
(OscBank property)
(OscLoop property)
(OscTrig property)
(Phaser property)
(Phasor property)
(Pulsar property)
(Randh property)
(Randi property)
(RandInt property)
(RCOsc property)
(Reson property)
(Resonx property)
(SincTable property)
(Sine property)
(SineLoop property)
(SumOsc property)
(SuperSaw property)
(SVF property)
(SVF2 property)
(TableRead property)
(Tone property)
(Urn property)
(Vocoder property)
(Waveguide property)
(Xnoise property)
(XnoiseMidi property)
freq1 (FourBand property)
freq2 (FourBand property)
freq3 (FourBand property)
FreqShift (class in pyo)
frnda (OscBank property)
frndf (OscBank property)
fscaling (Spectrum property)
FToM (class in pyo)
function (CtlScan property)
(CtlScan2 property)
(Pattern property)
(PeakAmp property)
(RawMidi property)
(RMS property)
(TrigFunc property)
(VarPort property)
gain (PVFilter property)
(Scope property)
(Spectrum property)
Gate (class in pyo)
genSineTerrain() (NewMatrix method)
get() (Beat method)
(CarToPol method)
(Euclide method)
(FFT method)
(Hilbert method)
(Map method)
(MML method)
(Notein method)
(NoteinRead method)
(OscListReceive method)
(OscReceive method)
(PolToCar method)
(PyoMatrixObject method)
(PyoObject method)
(PyoTableObject method)
(TrigBurst method)
getAddresses() (OscDataReceive method)
(OscDataSend method)
(OscListReceive method)
(OscReceive method)
getBaseObjects() (PyoObjectBase method)
getBuffer() (PyoTableObject method)
getBufferSize() (PyoObjectBase method)
(Server method)
getChannels() (Mixer method)
getCurrentAmp() (Server method)
getCurrentNotes() (PyoGuiKeyboard method)
getCurrentPos() (TableFill method)
getCurrentTime() (Server method)
getCurrentTimeInSamples() (Server method)
getDeviceInfos() (MidiDispatcher method)
(MidiListener method)
getDur() (PyoTableObject method)
getEmbedICallbackAddr() (Server method)
getEnvelope() (SndTable method)
getFeedback() (NewTable method)
getFscaling() (Spectrum method)
getGlobalDel() (Server method)
getGlobalDur() (Server method)
getGlobalSeed() (Server method)
getHighfreq() (Spectrum method)
getInit() (PyoGuiControlSlider method)
getInputAddr() (Server method)
getInterpolated() (PyoMatrixObject method)
getIsBooted() (Server method)
getIsStarted() (Server method)
getKey() (EventKey method)
getKeys() (Mixer method)
getLength() (NewTable method)
getLowfreq() (Spectrum method)
getMarkers() (SfMarkerLooper method)
(SfMarkerShuffler method)
getMaxValue() (PyoGuiControlSlider method)
getMidiActive() (Server method)
getMidiCtl() (PyoGuiControlSlider method)
getMinValue() (PyoGuiControlSlider method)
getMscaling() (Spectrum method)
getNchnls() (Server method)
getNormTable() (ChebyTable method)
getNoteFromPitch() (MML method)
getNumberOfStreams() (Server method)
getOutputAddr() (Server method)
getPoints() (CosLogTable method)
(CosTable method)
(CurveTable method)
(ExpTable method)
(LinTable method)
(LogTable method)
(PyoGuiGrapher method)
getPrecision() (in module pyo)
getPresets() (Beat method)
getPyoExamples() (in module pyo)
getPyoKeywords() (in module pyo)
getRange() (PyoGuiControlSlider method)
getRate() (NewMatrix method)
(PyoTableObject method)
getSamplingRate() (PyoObjectBase method)
(Server method)
getSequences() (MML method)
getServer() (PyoObjectBase method)
getServerAddr() (Server method)
getServerID() (Server method)
getSize() (PyoMatrixObject method)
(PyoTableObject method)
getStopDelay() (PyoObjectBase method)
getStreams() (Server method)
getTable() (PyoTableObject method)
getValue() (PyoGuiControlSlider method)
getValues() (PyoGuiGrapher method)
(PyoGuiMultiSlider method)
getVersion() (in module pyo)
getViewTable() (NewTable method)
(SndTable method)
getVolumeFromVelocity() (MML method)
globalseed (Server property)
grains (Granulator property)
Granulator (class in pyo)
Granule (class in pyo)
graph() (ChebyTable method)
(CosLogTable method)
(CosTable method)
(CurveTable method)
(DataTable method)
(Expseg method)
(ExpTable method)
(HarmTable method)
(Linseg method)
(LinTable method)
(LogTable method)
(MidiLinseg method)
(TrigExpseg method)
(TrigLinseg method)
gui() (Server method)
HannTable (class in pyo)
Harmonizer (class in pyo)
harms (Blit property)
HarmTable (class in pyo)
height (Spectrum property)
high (PVBufLoops property)
highbound (Spectrum property)
Hilbert (class in pyo)
hold (MidiLinseg property)
holdmode (Notein property)
HRTF (class in pyo)
IFFT (class in pyo)
IFFTMatrix (class in pyo)
iftrue() (EventGenerator method)
inang (PolToCar property)
inc (PVAddSynth property)
ind1 (CrossFM property)
ind2 (CrossFM property)
index (FM property)
(IFFTMatrix property)
(IRFM property)
(Lookup property)
(Pointer property)
(Pointer2 property)
(PVBuffer property)
(SumOsc property)
(TableIndex property)
inimag (CarToPol property)
(IFFT property)
init (DataTable property)
(NewTable property)
(SLMap property)
inmag (PolToCar property)
inmax (Scale property)
inmin (Scale property)
inpos (STRev property)
input (Abs property)
(Allpass property)
(Allpass2 property)
(AllpassWG property)
(AToDB property)
(Atone property)
(AttackDetector property)
(Average property)
(Balance property)
(BandSplit property)
(Between property)
(Binaural property)
(Biquad property)
(Biquada property)
(Biquadx property)
(ButBP property)
(ButBR property)
(ButHP property)
(ButLP property)
(Ceil property)
(Centroid property)
(CentsToTranspo property)
(Change property)
(Chorus property)
Input (class in pyo)
input (Clip property)
(Compare property)
(ComplexRes property)
(Compress property)
(Convolve property)
(Cos property)
(Count property)
(Counter property)
(CvlVerb property)
(DBToA property)
(DCBlock property)
(Degrade property)
(Delay property)
(Delay1 property)
(Denorm property)
(Disto property)
(EQ property)
(Exp property)
(Expand property)
(FFT property)
(Floor property)
(Follower property)
(Follower2 property)
(FourBand property)
(FrameAccum property)
(FrameDelta property)
(Freeverb property)
(FreqShift property)
(FToM property)
(Gate property)
(Harmonizer property)
(Hilbert property)
(HRTF property)
(InputFader property)
(Interp property)
(IRAverage property)
(IRFM property)
(IRPulse property)
(IRWinSinc property)
(Iter property)
(Log property)
(Log10 property)
(Log2 property)
(MatrixMorph property)
(MatrixRec property)
(MatrixRecLoop property)
(Max property)
(MidiLinseg property)
(Min property)
(Mirror property)
(MoogLP property)
(MToF property)
(MToT property)
(MultiBand property)
(NextTrig property)
(OscSend property)
(Pan property)
(PeakAmp property)
(Percent property)
(Phaser property)
(Port property)
(Print property)
(PVAddSynth property)
(PVAmpMod property)
(PVAnal property)
(PVBuffer property)
(PVBufLoops property)
(PVBufTabLoops property)
(PVCross property)
(PVDelay property)
(PVFilter property)
(PVFreqMod property)
(PVGate property)
(PVMix property)
(PVMorph property)
(PVMult property)
(PVShift property)
(PVSynth property)
(PVTranspose property)
(PVVerb property)
(Record property)
(Reson property)
(Resonx property)
(RMS property)
(Round property)
(SampHold property)
(Scale property)
(Scope property)
(Score property)
(SDelay property)
(Select property)
(Sin property)
(SmoothDelay property)
(Snap property)
(SPan property)
(Spectrum property)
(Sqrt property)
(STRev property)
(SVF property)
(SVF2 property)
(Switch property)
(TableFill property)
(TableMorph property)
(TablePut property)
(TableRec property)
(TableWrite property)
(Tan property)
(Tanh property)
(Thresh property)
(Timer property)
(Tone property)
(TrackHold property)
(TranspoToCents property)
(TrigBurst property)
(TrigChoice property)
(TrigEnv property)
(TrigExpseg property)
(TrigFunc property)
(TrigLinseg property)
(TrigRand property)
(TrigRandInt property)
(TrigTableRec property)
(TrigVal property)
(TrigXnoise property)
(TrigXnoiseMidi property)
(Vectral property)
(Vocoder property)
(VoiceManager property)
(Waveguide property)
(WGVerb property)
(Wrap property)
(Yin property)
(ZCross property)
input2 (Balance property)
(Interp property)
(NextTrig property)
(PVCross property)
(PVMix property)
(PVMorph property)
(PVMult property)
(Timer property)
(Vocoder property)
InputFader (class in pyo)
inputs (Selector property)
inreal (CarToPol property)
(IFFT property)
insert() (SndTable method)
Interp (class in pyo)
interp (ControlRead property)
(Interp property)
(Looper property)
(Osc property)
(OscTrig property)
(Pointer2 property)
(Pulsar property)
(SfMarkerLooper property)
(SfMarkerShuffler property)
(SfPlayer property)
(TableRead property)
(TrigEnv property)
interval (Print property)
inverse (Expseg property)
(ExpTable property)
(PVGate property)
(TrigExpseg property)
invert() (PyoTableObject method)
IRAverage (class in pyo)
IRFM (class in pyo)
IRPulse (class in pyo)
IRWinSinc (class in pyo)
isInteger() (PyoGuiControlSlider method)
isLog() (PyoGuiControlSlider method)
isOutputting() (PyoObject method)
isPlaying() (PyoObject method)
(PyoPVObject method)
isPowOfTwo() (PyoGuiControlSlider method)
Iter (class in pyo)
keyboard() (Notein method)
knee (Compress property)
last (Notein property)
lastVelocity (Notein property)
length (NewTable property)
(PVBuffer property)
(Scope property)
LFO (class in pyo)
Linseg (class in pyo)
LinTable (class in pyo)
linToCosCurve() (in module pyo)
list (ChebyTable property)
(CosLogTable property)
(CosTable property)
(CurveTable property)
(Expseg property)
(ExpTable property)
(HarmTable property)
(Linseg property)
(LinTable property)
(LogTable property)
(MidiLinseg property)
(PartialTable property)
(TrigExpseg property)
(TrigLinseg property)
loadRecFile() (CosLogTable method)
(CosTable method)
(CurveTable method)
(ExpTable method)
(LinTable method)
(LogTable method)
Log (class in pyo)
Log10 (class in pyo)
Log2 (class in pyo)
LogiMap (class in pyo)
LogTable (class in pyo)
lookahead (Compress property)
(Expand property)
(Gate property)
Lookup (class in pyo)
loop (ControlRead property)
(Expseg property)
(Linseg property)
(NoteinRead property)
(SfPlayer property)
(TableRead property)
Looper (class in pyo)
loopnow() (Looper method)
Lorenz (class in pyo)
low (PVBufLoops property)
lowbound (Spectrum property)
lowpass() (PyoTableObject method)
makenote() (Server method)
Map (class in pyo)
mark (SfMarkerLooper property)
matrix (MatrixMorph property)
(MatrixPointer property)
(MatrixRec property)
(MatrixRecLoop property)
MatrixMorph (class in pyo)
MatrixPointer (class in pyo)
MatrixRec (class in pyo)
MatrixRecLoop (class in pyo)
max (Between property)
Max (class in pyo)
max (Clip property)
(Count property)
(Counter property)
(Map property)
(Mirror property)
(RandDur property)
(Randh property)
(Randi property)
(RandInt property)
(TrigRand property)
(TrigRandInt property)
(Urn property)
(Wrap property)
(XnoiseDur property)
maxfreq (Yin property)
maxscale (Midictl property)
(Touchin property)
maxthresh (AttackDetector property)
message (Print property)
method (Print property)
Metro (class in pyo)
MidiAdsr (class in pyo)
Midictl (class in pyo)
MidiDelAdsr (class in pyo)
MidiDispatcher (class in pyo)
MidiLinseg (class in pyo)
MidiListener (class in pyo)
midiToHz() (in module pyo)
midiToTranspo() (in module pyo)
min (Between property)
Min (class in pyo)
min (Clip property)
(Count property)
(Counter property)
(Map property)
(Mirror property)
(RandDur property)
(Randh property)
(Randi property)
(TrigRand property)
(Wrap property)
(XnoiseDur property)
minfreq (Yin property)
minscale (Midictl property)
(Touchin property)
minthresh (AttackDetector property)
Mirror (class in pyo)
Mix (class in pyo)
mix() (PyoObject method)
Mixer (class in pyo)
MML (class in pyo)
mode (Compare property)
(Looper property)
(PVBufLoops property)
(PVDelay property)
(PVFilter property)
(Resample property)
MoogLP (class in pyo)
mscaling (Spectrum property)
MToF (class in pyo)
MToT (class in pyo)
mul (PyoObject property)
mul() (PyoTableObject method)
MultiBand (class in pyo)
music (MML property)
name (SLMap property)
new() (Beat method)
NewMatrix (class in pyo)
NewTable (class in pyo)
next() (PyoObjectBase method)
NextTrig (class in pyo)
nharms (PadSynthTable property)
Noise (class in pyo)
normalize() (PyoMatrixObject method)
(PyoTableObject method)
Notein (class in pyo)
NoteinRead (class in pyo)
NoteinRec (class in pyo)
noteout() (Server method)
num (PVAddSynth property)
octaves (EventScale property)
offset (SfPlayer property)
onlyonce (Beat property)
(Seq property)
onsets (Euclide property)
order (SawTable property)
(SquareTable property)
(SVF2 property)
(TriangleTable property)
Osc (class in pyo)
OscBank (class in pyo)
OscDataReceive (class in pyo)
OscDataSend (class in pyo)
OscListener (class in pyo)
OscListReceive (class in pyo)
OscLoop (class in pyo)
OscReceive (class in pyo)
OscSend (class in pyo)
OscTrig (class in pyo)
out() (Adsr method)
(AttackDetector method)
(Beat method)
(Bendin method)
(CallAfter method)
(Centroid method)
(Change method)
(Cloud method)
(Compare method)
(ControlRead method)
(ControlRec method)
(Counter method)
(CtlScan method)
(CtlScan2 method)
(Euclide method)
(Expseg method)
(Fader method)
(FFT method)
(Follower method)
(Follower2 method)
(FrameAccum method)
(FrameDelta method)
(FreqShift method)
(Linseg method)
(LogiMap method)
(MatrixMorph method)
(MatrixRec method)
(MatrixRecLoop method)
(Metro method)
(MidiAdsr method)
(Midictl method)
(MidiDelAdsr method)
(MidiLinseg method)
(MML method)
(Notein method)
(NoteinRead method)
(NoteinRec method)
(OscDataReceive method)
(OscDataSend method)
(OscListReceive method)
(OscReceive method)
(OscSend method)
(Pattern method)
(PeakAmp method)
(Percent method)
(Print method)
(Programin method)
(PyoObject method)
(RawMidi method)
(Record method)
(RMS method)
(Score method)
(Select method)
(Seq method)
(Spectrum method)
(TableFill method)
(TableMorph method)
(TablePut method)
(TableRec method)
(TableWrite method)
(Thresh method)
(Touchin method)
(Trig method)
(TrigBurst method)
(TrigExpseg method)
(TrigFunc method)
(TrigLinseg method)
(TrigRandInt method)
(TrigTableRec method)
(TrigVal method)
(Urn method)
(Vectral method)
(Yin method)
(ZCross method)
outmax (Scale property)
outmin (Scale property)
outtable (TableScale property)
overlaps (PVAnal property)
pa_count_devices() (in module pyo)
pa_count_host_apis() (in module pyo)
pa_get_default_devices_from_host() (in module pyo)
pa_get_default_host_api() (in module pyo)
pa_get_default_input() (in module pyo)
pa_get_default_output() (in module pyo)
pa_get_devices_infos() (in module pyo)
pa_get_input_devices() (in module pyo)
pa_get_input_max_channels() (in module pyo)
pa_get_output_devices() (in module pyo)
pa_get_output_max_channels() (in module pyo)
pa_get_version() (in module pyo)
pa_get_version_text() (in module pyo)
pa_list_devices() (in module pyo)
pa_list_host_apis() (in module pyo)
PadSynthTable (class in pyo)
Pan (class in pyo)
pan (Pan property)
(Particle property)
(Particle2 property)
(SPan property)
ParaTable (class in pyo)
PartialTable (class in pyo)
Particle (class in pyo)
Particle2 (class in pyo)
path (SfPlayer property)
(SndTable property)
Pattern (class in pyo)
pause() (Expseg method)
(Linseg method)
PeakAmp (class in pyo)
Percent (class in pyo)
percent (Percent property)
phase (IFFTMatrix property)
(Osc property)
(OscTrig property)
(Phasor property)
(Pulsar property)
(Sine property)
Phaser (class in pyo)
Phasor (class in pyo)
PinkNoise (class in pyo)
pitch (ChenLee property)
(Granulator property)
(Granule property)
(Looper property)
(Lorenz property)
(Particle property)
(Particle2 property)
(PVAddSynth property)
(PVBuffer property)
(Rossler property)
play() (Beat method)
(Euclide method)
(Events method)
(FFT method)
(FreqShift method)
(MML method)
(Notein method)
(OscListReceive method)
(OscReceive method)
(PeakAmp method)
(PyoObject method)
(PyoPVObject method)
(RMS method)
(Spectrum method)
(TrigBurst method)
pm_count_devices() (in module pyo)
pm_get_default_input() (in module pyo)
pm_get_default_output() (in module pyo)
pm_get_input_devices() (in module pyo)
pm_get_output_devices() (in module pyo)
pm_list_devices() (in module pyo)
Pointer (class in pyo)
Pointer2 (class in pyo)
poll() (Scope method)
(Spectrum method)
polltime() (PeakAmp method)
(RMS method)
(Spectrum method)
PolToCar (class in pyo)
Port (class in pyo)
port (TrigChoice property)
(TrigRand property)
pos (Granulator property)
(Granule property)
(Particle property)
(Particle2 property)
(TableWrite property)
Pow (class in pyo)
pow() (PyoTableObject method)
pressout() (Server method)
Print (class in pyo)
printNodes() (Expr method)
process() (Server method)
Programin (class in pyo)
programout() (Server method)
Pulsar (class in pyo)
put() (PyoMatrixObject method)
(PyoTableObject method)
PVAddSynth (class in pyo)
PVAmpMod (class in pyo)
PVAnal (class in pyo)
PVBuffer (class in pyo)
PVBufLoops (class in pyo)
PVBufTabLoops (class in pyo)
PVCross (class in pyo)
PVDelay (class in pyo)
PVFilter (class in pyo)
PVFreqMod (class in pyo)
PVGate (class in pyo)
PVMix (class in pyo)
PVMorph (class in pyo)
PVMult (class in pyo)
PVShift (class in pyo)
PVSynth (class in pyo)
PVTranspose (class in pyo)
PVVerb (class in pyo)
PyoGuiControlSlider (class in pyo)
PyoGuiGrapher (class in pyo)
PyoGuiKeyboard (class in pyo)
PyoGuiMultiSlider (class in pyo)
PyoGuiScope (class in pyo)
PyoGuiSndView (class in pyo)
PyoGuiSpectrum (class in pyo)
PyoGuiVuMeter (class in pyo)
PyoMatrixObject (class in pyo)
PyoObject (class in pyo)
PyoObjectBase (class in pyo)
PyoPVObject (class in pyo)
PyoTableObject (class in pyo)
q (BandSplit property)
(Biquad property)
(Biquadx property)
(ButBP property)
(ButBR property)
(EQ property)
(Phaser property)
(Reson property)
(Resonx property)
(SVF property)
(SVF2 property)
(Vocoder property)
quality (FastSine property)
ramp (SLMap property)
RandDur (class in pyo)
Randh (class in pyo)
Randi (class in pyo)
RandInt (class in pyo)
range() (PyoObject method)
rate (ControlRead property)
ratio (Compress property)
(CrossFM property)
(Expand property)
(FM property)
(IRFM property)
(SumOsc property)
RawMidi (class in pyo)
RCOsc (class in pyo)
read() (PyoMatrixObject method)
(PyoTableObject method)
readyToDetect() (AttackDetector method)
recall() (Beat method)
Record (class in pyo)
recordOptions() (Server method)
recstart() (Server method)
recstop() (Server method)
rectify() (PyoTableObject method)
reducePoints() (in module pyo)
refreshView() (NewTable method)
(PyoMatrixObject method)
(PyoTableObject method)
(Scope method)
(SndTable method)
(Spectrum method)
reinit() (Server method)
release (Adsr property)
(MidiAdsr property)
(MidiDelAdsr property)
reltime (AttackDetector property)
removeDC() (PyoTableObject method)
replace() (ChebyTable method)
(CosLogTable method)
(CosTable method)
(CurveTable method)
(DataTable method)
(Expseg method)
(ExpTable method)
(HarmTable method)
(Linseg method)
(LinTable method)
(LogTable method)
(MidiLinseg method)
(NewMatrix method)
(NewTable method)
(PartialTable method)
(TrigExpseg method)
(TrigLinseg method)
res (MoogLP property)
(SLMap property)
Resample (class in pyo)
rescale() (EventGenerator method)
(in module pyo)
reset() (AllpassWG method)
(Beat method)
(Chorus method)
(Counter method)
(CtlScan method)
(CtlScan2 method)
(Delay method)
(Euclide method)
(FastSine method)
(Freeverb method)
(Harmonizer method)
(Iter method)
(LFO method)
(Looper method)
(Osc method)
(OscTrig method)
(Phasor method)
(PVAmpMod method)
(PVBufLoops method)
(PVBufTabLoops method)
(PVFreqMod method)
(PyoGuiGrapher method)
(PyoGuiKeyboard method)
(PyoGuiMultiSlider method)
(PyoTableObject method)
(RCOsc method)
(SDelay method)
(Sine method)
(SmoothDelay method)
(STRev method)
(TableRead method)
(TableScan method)
(Waveguide method)
(WGVerb method)
resetSelection() (PyoGuiSndView method)
Reson (class in pyo)
Resonx (class in pyo)
reverse() (PyoTableObject method)
revtime (PVVerb property)
(STRev property)
risetime (Compress property)
(Expand property)
(Follower2 property)
(Gate property)
(Port property)
RMS (class in pyo)
roomSize (STRev property)
root (EventScale property)
Rossler (class in pyo)
rotate() (PyoTableObject method)
Round (class in pyo)
round() (EventGenerator method)
run() (Clean_objects method)
(MidiDispatcher method)
(MidiListener method)
(OscListener method)
SampHold (class in pyo)
sampsToSec() (in module pyo)
save() (PyoTableObject method)
savefile() (in module pyo)
savefileFromTable() (in module pyo)
SawTable (class in pyo)
scale (Bendin property)
Scale (class in pyo)
scale (EventScale property)
(Map property)
(Notein property)
(Snap property)
(TrigXnoiseMidi property)
(XnoiseMidi property)
scale() (EventGenerator method)
Scope (class in pyo)
Score (class in pyo)
SDelay (class in pyo)
secToSamps() (in module pyo)
Select (class in pyo)
Selector (class in pyo)
send() (MidiDispatcher method)
(OscDataSend method)
sendx() (MidiDispatcher method)
Seq (class in pyo)
seq (Seq property)
Server (class in pyo)
serverBooted() (in module pyo)
serverCreated() (in module pyo)
set() (Map method)
(PyoObject method)
(PyoPVObject method)
setA() (Atan2 method)
(Div method)
(Sub method)
setA0() (Biquada method)
setA1() (Biquada method)
setA2() (Biquada method)
setAdd() (Beat method)
(CallAfter method)
(Cloud method)
(CtlScan method)
(CtlScan2 method)
(Euclide method)
(MatrixMorph method)
(MatrixRec method)
(MatrixRecLoop method)
(Metro method)
(MML method)
(OscDataReceive method)
(OscDataSend method)
(OscSend method)
(Pattern method)
(PyoObject method)
(RawMidi method)
(Score method)
(Seq method)
(TableFill method)
(TableMorph method)
(TablePut method)
(TableRec method)
(TableWrite method)
(Trig method)
(TrigBurst method)
(TrigFunc method)
(TrigTableRec method)
setAmp() (Mixer method)
(Server method)
setAmpfade() (TrigBurst method)
setAnalyzer() (PyoGuiScope method)
(PyoGuiSpectrum method)
setArg() (CallAfter method)
(Pattern method)
(TrigFunc method)
setArnda() (OscBank method)
setArndf() (OscBank method)
setAttack() (Adsr method)
(MidiAdsr method)
(MidiDelAdsr method)
setAutoSmooth() (Looper method)
(Pointer2 method)
setAutoStartChildren() (Server method)
setAzimuth() (Binaural method)
(HRTF method)
setAzispan() (Binaural method)
setB() (Atan2 method)
(Div method)
(Sub method)
setB0() (Biquada method)
setB1() (Biquada method)
setB2() (Biquada method)
setBal() (Chorus method)
(CvlVerb method)
(Freeverb method)
(STRev method)
(SuperSaw method)
(WGVerb method)
setBase() (Pow method)
setBaseDur() (Granulator method)
setBaseFreq() (PadSynthTable method)
setBasefreq() (PVAmpMod method)
(PVFreqMod method)
setBias() (CurveTable method)
(PyoGuiGrapher method)
setBitdepth() (Degrade method)
setBoost() (EQ method)
setBrange() (Bendin method)
setBufferRate() (OscSend method)
setBufferSize() (Server method)
setBw() (Allpass2 method)
(IRPulse method)
(IRWinSinc method)
(PadSynthTable method)
setBwScl() (PadSynthTable method)
setCallback() (PVAnal method)
(Server method)
setCarrier() (CrossFM method)
(FM method)
(IRFM method)
setCentralKey() (MToT method)
(Notein method)
setChannel() (Bendin method)
(Midictl method)
(Notein method)
(Programin method)
(Touchin method)
setChannelNames() (Scope method)
(Spectrum method)
setChaos() (ChenLee method)
(LogiMap method)
(Lorenz method)
(Rossler method)
setChoice() (Choice method)
(Iter method)
(Snap method)
(TrigChoice method)
setCoeffs() (Biquada method)
setComp() (Compare method)
(Max method)
(Min method)
setControlsig() (SampHold method)
(TrackHold method)
setCount() (TrigBurst method)
setCrossfade() (SmoothDelay method)
setCtlNumber() (Midictl method)
setCutoff() (AttackDetector method)
(STRev method)
(WGVerb method)
(Yin method)
setDamp() (Freeverb method)
(PadSynthTable method)
(PVGate method)
(PVVerb method)
(Vectral method)
setDecay() (Adsr method)
(ComplexRes method)
(MidiAdsr method)
(MidiDelAdsr method)
setDelay() (Allpass method)
(Delay method)
(MidiDelAdsr method)
(SDelay method)
(SmoothDelay method)
setDeltable() (PVDelay method)
setDeltime() (AttackDetector method)
setDens() (Granule method)
(Particle method)
(Particle2 method)
setDensity() (Cloud method)
setDepth() (Chorus method)
(PVFreqMod method)
setDetune() (AllpassWG method)
(SuperSaw method)
setDev() (Particle method)
(Particle2 method)
setDir() (Counter method)
(Thresh method)
setDist() (TrigXnoise method)
(TrigXnoiseMidi method)
(Xnoise method)
(XnoiseDur method)
(XnoiseMidi method)
setDiv() (Beat method)
(CallAfter method)
(Cloud method)
(CtlScan method)
(CtlScan2 method)
(Euclide method)
(Metro method)
(MML method)
(Pattern method)
(PyoObject method)
(RawMidi method)
(Seq method)
(Trig method)
(TrigBurst method)
setDown() (Vectral method)
setDownThresh() (Expand method)
setDrive() (Disto method)
setDuplex() (Server method)
setDur() (Adsr method)
(Fader method)
(Granulator method)
(Granule method)
(Looper method)
(Particle method)
(Particle2 method)
(TrigEnv method)
(Waveguide method)
setElespan() (Binaural method)
setElevation() (Binaural method)
(HRTF method)
setEnv() (Granulator method)
(Granule method)
(Particle method)
(Particle2 method)
(Pulsar method)
setExp() (Adsr method)
(Expseg method)
(ExpTable method)
(Fader method)
(MidiAdsr method)
(MidiDelAdsr method)
(PyoGuiGrapher method)
(Scale method)
(TrigExpseg method)
setExpand() (TrigBurst method)
setExponent() (Pow method)
setExpr() (Expr method)
setFade() (PVCross method)
(PVMorph method)
setFadein() (Fader method)
setFadeout() (Fader method)
setFallTime() (Compress method)
(Expand method)
setFalltime() (Follower2 method)
setFallTime() (Gate method)
(Port method)
setFeed() (AllpassWG method)
setFeedback() (Allpass method)
(Chorus method)
(Delay method)
(Harmonizer method)
(NewTable method)
(OscLoop method)
(Phaser method)
(SineLoop method)
(SmoothDelay method)
(WGVerb method)
setFeedtable() (PVDelay method)
setFilterfreq() (Particle2 method)
setFilterq() (Particle2 method)
setFiltertype() (Particle2 method)
setFirst() (EventScale method)
(Notein method)
(PVAddSynth method)
setFirstRefGain() (STRev method)
setFirstVelocity() (Notein method)
setFjit() (OscBank method)
setFrac() (Pulsar method)
setFrameSize() (FrameAccum method)
(FrameDelta method)
(Vectral method)
setFreq() (Allpass2 method)
(AllpassWG method)
(Atone method)
(Balance method)
(Biquad method)
(Biquadx method)
(Blit method)
(ButBP method)
(ButBR method)
(ButHP method)
(ButLP method)
(Choice method)
(ComplexRes method)
(EQ method)
(FastSine method)
(Follower method)
(IRPulse method)
(IRWinSinc method)
(LFO method)
(LogiMap method)
(MoogLP method)
(Osc method)
(OscBank method)
(OscLoop method)
(OscTrig method)
(Phaser method)
(Phasor method)
(Pulsar method)
(Randh method)
(Randi method)
(RandInt method)
(RCOsc method)
(Reson method)
(Resonx method)
(SincTable method)
(Sine method)
(SineLoop method)
(SumOsc method)
(SuperSaw method)
(SVF method)
(SVF2 method)
(TableRead method)
(Tone method)
(Urn method)
(Vocoder method)
(Waveguide method)
(Xnoise method)
(XnoiseMidi method)
setFreq1() (FourBand method)
setFreq2() (FourBand method)
setFreq3() (FourBand method)
setFrequencies() (MultiBand method)
setFrnda() (OscBank method)
setFrndf() (OscBank method)
setFscaling() (PyoGuiSpectrum method)
(Spectrum method)
setFunction() (CtlScan method)
(CtlScan2 method)
(Pattern method)
(PeakAmp method)
(RawMidi method)
(RMS method)
(Scope method)
(Spectrum method)
(TrigFunc method)
(VarPort method)
setGain() (PVFilter method)
(PyoGuiScope method)
(Scope method)
(Spectrum method)
setGlobalDel() (Server method)
setGlobalDur() (Server method)
setGlobalSeed() (Server method)
setGrains() (Granulator method)
setHarms() (Blit method)
setHeight() (Scope method)
(Spectrum method)
setHigh() (PVBufLoops method)
setHighbound() (Spectrum method)
setHighFreq() (PyoGuiSpectrum method)
(Spectrum method)
setHold() (MidiLinseg method)
setHoldmode() (Notein method)
setIchnls() (Server method)
setInAng() (PolToCar method)
setInc() (PVAddSynth method)
setInd1() (CrossFM method)
setInd2() (CrossFM method)
setIndex() (FM method)
(IFFTMatrix method)
(IRFM method)
(Lookup method)
(Pointer method)
(Pointer2 method)
(PVBuffer method)
(SumOsc method)
(TableIndex method)
setInImag() (CarToPol method)
(IFFT method)
setInitPoints() (PyoGuiGrapher method)
setInMag() (PolToCar method)
setInMax() (Scale method)
setInMin() (Scale method)
setInOutDevice() (Server method)
setInOutOffset() (Server method)
setInpos() (STRev method)
setInput() (Abs method)
(Allpass method)
(Allpass2 method)
(AllpassWG method)
(AToDB method)
(Atone method)
(AttackDetector method)
(Average method)
(Balance method)
(BandSplit method)
(Between method)
(Binaural method)
(Biquad method)
(Biquada method)
(Biquadx method)
(ButBP method)
(ButBR method)
(ButHP method)
(ButLP method)
(Ceil method)
(Centroid method)
(CentsToTranspo method)
(Change method)
(Chorus method)
(Clip method)
(Compare method)
(ComplexRes method)
(Compress method)
(Convolve method)
(Cos method)
(Count method)
(Counter method)
(CvlVerb method)
(DBToA method)
(DCBlock method)
(Degrade method)
(Delay method)
(Delay1 method)
(Denorm method)
(Disto method)
(EQ method)
(Exp method)
(Expand method)
(FFT method)
(Floor method)
(Follower method)
(Follower2 method)
(FourBand method)
(FrameAccum method)
(FrameDelta method)
(Freeverb method)
(FreqShift method)
(FToM method)
(Gate method)
(Harmonizer method)
(Hilbert method)
(HRTF method)
(InputFader method)
(Interp method)
(IRAverage method)
(IRFM method)
(IRPulse method)
(IRWinSinc method)
(Iter method)
(Log method)
(Log10 method)
(Log2 method)
(MatrixMorph method)
(MatrixRec method)
(MatrixRecLoop method)
(Max method)
(MidiAdsr method)
(MidiDelAdsr method)
(MidiLinseg method)
(Min method)
(Mirror method)
(MoogLP method)
(MToF method)
(MToT method)
(MultiBand method)
(NextTrig method)
(OscSend method)
(Pan method)
(PeakAmp method)
(Percent method)
(Phaser method)
(Port method)
(Print method)
(PVAddSynth method)
(PVAmpMod method)
(PVAnal method)
(PVBuffer method)
(PVBufLoops method)
(PVBufTabLoops method)
(PVCross method)
(PVDelay method)
(PVFilter method)
(PVFreqMod method)
(PVGate method)
(PVMix method)
(PVMorph method)
(PVMult method)
(PVShift method)
(PVSynth method)
(PVTranspose method)
(PVVerb method)
(Record method)
(Reson method)
(Resonx method)
(RMS method)
(Round method)
(SampHold method)
(Scale method)
(Scope method)
(Score method)
(SDelay method)
(Select method)
(Sin method)
(SmoothDelay method)
(Snap method)
(SPan method)
(Spectrum method)
(Sqrt method)
(STRev method)
(SVF method)
(SVF2 method)
(Switch method)
(TableFill method)
(TableMorph method)
(TablePut method)
(TableRec method)
(TableWrite method)
(Tan method)
(Tanh method)
(Thresh method)
(Timer method)
(Tone method)
(TrackHold method)
(TranspoToCents method)
(TrigBurst method)
(TrigChoice method)
(TrigEnv method)
(TrigExpseg method)
(TrigFunc method)
(TrigLinseg method)
(TrigRand method)
(TrigRandInt method)
(TrigTableRec method)
(TrigVal method)
(TrigXnoise method)
(TrigXnoiseMidi method)
(Vectral method)
(Vocoder method)
(VoiceManager method)
(Waveguide method)
(WGVerb method)
(Wrap method)
(Yin method)
(ZCross method)
setInput2() (Balance method)
(Interp method)
(NextTrig method)
(PVCross method)
(PVMix method)
(PVMorph method)
(PVMult method)
(Timer method)
(Vocoder method)
setInputDevice() (Server method)
setInputOffset() (Server method)
setInputs() (Selector method)
setInReal() (CarToPol method)
(IFFT method)
setInterp() (ControlRead method)
(Interp method)
(Looper method)
(Osc method)
(OscTrig method)
(Pointer2 method)
(Pulsar method)
(SfMarkerLooper method)
(SfMarkerShuffler method)
(SfPlayer method)
(TableRead method)
(TrigEnv method)
setInterpolation() (Bendin method)
(Midictl method)
(OscListReceive method)
(OscReceive method)
(Touchin method)
setInterval() (Print method)
setInverse() (Expseg method)
(ExpTable method)
(PVGate method)
(PyoGuiGrapher method)
(TrigExpseg method)
setIsJackTransportSlave() (Server method)
setJackAuto() (Server method)
setJackAutoConnectInputPorts() (Server method)
setJackAutoConnectMidiInputPort() (Server method)
setJackAutoConnectMidiOutputPort() (Server method)
setJackAutoConnectOutputPorts() (Server method)
setJackInputPortNames() (Server method)
setJackMidiInputPortName() (Server method)
setJackMidiOutputPortName() (Server method)
setJackOutputPortNames() (Server method)
setKeepLast() (TableRead method)
setKnee() (Compress method)
setLast() (Notein method)
setLastVelocity() (Notein method)
setLength() (NewTable method)
(PVBuffer method)
(PyoGuiScope method)
(Scope method)
setList() (Expseg method)
(Linseg method)
(MidiLinseg method)
(TrigExpseg method)
(TrigLinseg method)
setLookAhead() (Compress method)
(Expand method)
(Gate method)
setLoop() (ControlRead method)
(Expseg method)
(Linseg method)
(NoteinRead method)
(SfPlayer method)
(TableRead method)
setLow() (PVBufLoops method)
setLowbound() (Spectrum method)
setLowFreq() (PyoGuiSpectrum method)
(Spectrum method)
setMark() (SfMarkerLooper method)
setMatrix() (MatrixMorph method)
(MatrixPointer method)
(MatrixRec method)
(MatrixRecLoop method)
setMax() (Between method)
(Clip method)
(Count method)
(Counter method)
(Map method)
(Mirror method)
(RandDur method)
(Randh method)
(Randi method)
(RandInt method)
(TrigRand method)
(TrigRandInt method)
(Urn method)
(Wrap method)
(XnoiseDur method)
setMaxfreq() (Yin method)
setMaxScale() (Midictl method)
(Touchin method)
setMaxthresh() (AttackDetector method)
setMessage() (Print method)
setMeter() (Server method)
setMeterCallable() (Server method)
setMethod() (Print method)
setMidiCtl() (PyoGuiControlSlider method)
setMidiInputDevice() (Server method)
setMidiOutputDevice() (Server method)
setMin() (Between method)
(Clip method)
(Count method)
(Counter method)
(Map method)
(Mirror method)
(RandDur method)
(Randh method)
(Randi method)
(TrigRand method)
(Wrap method)
(XnoiseDur method)
setMinfreq() (Yin method)
setMinScale() (Midictl method)
(Touchin method)
setMinthresh() (AttackDetector method)
setMode() (Compare method)
(Looper method)
(PVBufLoops method)
(PVDelay method)
(PVFilter method)
(PyoGuiGrapher method)
(Resample method)
(Selector method)
setMscaling() (PyoGuiSpectrum method)
(Spectrum method)
setMul() (Beat method)
(CallAfter method)
(Cloud method)
(CtlScan method)
(CtlScan2 method)
(Euclide method)
(MatrixMorph method)
(MatrixRec method)
(MatrixRecLoop method)
(Metro method)
(MML method)
(OscDataReceive method)
(OscDataSend method)
(OscSend method)
(Pattern method)
(PyoObject method)
(RawMidi method)
(Score method)
(Seq method)
(TableFill method)
(TableMorph method)
(TablePut method)
(TableRec method)
(TableWrite method)
(Trig method)
(TrigBurst method)
(TrigFunc method)
(TrigTableRec method)
setMusic() (MML method)
setNchnls() (PyoGuiVuMeter method)
(Server method)
setNharms() (PadSynthTable method)
setNum() (PVAddSynth method)
setOctaves() (EventScale method)
setOffset() (SfPlayer method)
setOnlyonce() (Beat method)
(Seq method)
setOnsets() (Euclide method)
setOrder() (SawTable method)
(SquareTable method)
(SVF2 method)
(TriangleTable method)
setOutMax() (Scale method)
setOutMin() (Scale method)
setOutputDevice() (Server method)
setOutputOffset() (Server method)
setOuttable() (TableScale method)
setOverlaps() (PVAnal method)
setPan() (Pan method)
(Particle method)
(Particle2 method)
(SPan method)
setPath() (SfPlayer method)
setPercent() (Percent method)
setPhase() (IFFTMatrix method)
(Osc method)
(OscTrig method)
(Phasor method)
(Pulsar method)
(Sine method)
setPitch() (ChenLee method)
(Granulator method)
(Granule method)
(Looper method)
(Lorenz method)
(Particle method)
(Particle2 method)
(PVAddSynth method)
(PVBuffer method)
(Rossler method)
setPoints() (PyoGuiGrapher method)
setPoly() (PyoGuiKeyboard method)
setPort() (TrigChoice method)
(TrigRand method)
setPos() (Granulator method)
(Granule method)
(Particle method)
(Particle2 method)
(TableWrite method)
setPresets() (Beat method)
setQ() (BandSplit method)
(Biquad method)
(Biquadx method)
(ButBP method)
(ButBR method)
(EQ method)
(Phaser method)
(Reson method)
(Resonx method)
(SVF method)
(SVF2 method)
(Vocoder method)
setQuality() (FastSine method)
setRandomType() (SfMarkerShuffler method)
setRange() (PyoGuiControlSlider method)
(TrigXnoiseMidi method)
(XnoiseMidi method)
setRate() (ControlRead method)
setRatio() (Compress method)
(CrossFM method)
(Expand method)
(FM method)
(IRFM method)
(SumOsc method)
setRelease() (Adsr method)
(MidiAdsr method)
(MidiDelAdsr method)
setReltime() (AttackDetector method)
setRes() (MoogLP method)
setRevtime() (PVVerb method)
(STRev method)
setRiseTime() (Compress method)
(Expand method)
setRisetime() (Follower2 method)
setRiseTime() (Gate method)
(Port method)
setRoomSize() (STRev method)
setRoot() (EventScale method)
setSamplingRate() (Server method)
setScale() (Bendin method)
(EventScale method)
(Map method)
(Notein method)
(Snap method)
(TrigXnoiseMidi method)
(XnoiseMidi method)
setSelection() (PyoGuiSndView method)
setSeq() (Seq method)
setServer() (Server method)
setShape() (PVAmpMod method)
(PVFreqMod method)
setSharp() (LFO method)
(RCOsc method)
setShelf() (SVF2 method)
setShift() (FreqShift method)
(PVShift method)
setSize() (Average method)
(FFT method)
(Freeverb method)
(IFFT method)
(IFFTMatrix method)
(PadSynthTable method)
(PVAnal method)
(PyoTableObject method)
(Spectrum method)
setSlope() (AtanTable method)
(Disto method)
(OscBank method)
(Vocoder method)
setSound() (SfPlayer method)
(SndTable method)
setSources() (MatrixMorph method)
(TableMorph method)
setSpeed() (PVBufTabLoops method)
(Seq method)
(SfMarkerLooper method)
(SfMarkerShuffler method)
(SfPlayer method)
setSpread() (OscBank method)
(PadSynthTable method)
(Pan method)
(Phaser method)
(PVAmpMod method)
(PVFreqMod method)
(Vocoder method)
setSrscale() (Degrade method)
setStages() (Biquadx method)
(Resonx method)
(Vocoder method)
setStart() (Looper method)
setStartFromLoop() (Looper method)
setStartOffset() (Server method)
setStealing() (Notein method)
setStopDelay() (PyoObjectBase method)
setSub() (Beat method)
(CallAfter method)
(Cloud method)
(CtlScan method)
(CtlScan2 method)
(Euclide method)
(Metro method)
(MML method)
(Pattern method)
(PyoObject method)
(RawMidi method)
(Seq method)
(Trig method)
(TrigBurst method)
setSustain() (Adsr method)
(MidiAdsr method)
(MidiDelAdsr method)
setSync() (Granule method)
setTable() (Convolve method)
(Granulator method)
(Granule method)
(Lookup method)
(Looper method)
(Osc method)
(OscBank method)
(OscLoop method)
(OscTrig method)
(Particle method)
(Particle2 method)
(Pointer method)
(Pointer2 method)
(Pulsar method)
(PVFilter method)
(PyoGuiSndView method)
(TableFill method)
(TableIndex method)
(TableMorph method)
(TablePut method)
(TableRead method)
(TableRec method)
(TableScale method)
(TableScan method)
(TableWrite method)
(TrigEnv method)
(TrigTableRec method)
setTaps() (Beat method)
(Euclide method)
setTension() (CurveTable method)
(PyoGuiGrapher method)
setThresh() (Compress method)
(Gate method)
(PVGate method)
(ZCross method)
setThreshold() (Thresh method)
setTime() (Beat method)
(CallAfter method)
(Euclide method)
(Metro method)
(Mixer method)
(Pattern method)
(Seq method)
(SigTo method)
(TrigBurst method)
(VarPort method)
setTimeCallable() (Server method)
setTolerance() (Yin method)
setToprint() (CtlScan method)
(CtlScan2 method)
setTranspo() (Harmonizer method)
(PVTranspose method)
setTrig() (OscTrig method)
(TrigTableRec method)
setTriggers() (VoiceManager method)
setType() (Biquad method)
(Biquadx method)
(EQ method)
(EventScale method)
(IRPulse method)
(IRWinSinc method)
(LFO method)
(Noise method)
(SVF method)
(SVF2 method)
(WinTable method)
setUp() (Vectral method)
setUpThresh() (Expand method)
setValue() (Midictl method)
(OscListReceive method)
(OscReceive method)
(PyoGuiControlSlider method)
(SampHold method)
(Select method)
(Sig method)
(SigTo method)
(TrackHold method)
(TrigVal method)
(VarPort method)
setValues() (PyoGuiGrapher method)
(PyoGuiMultiSlider method)
setVerbosity() (Server method)
setVoice() (Selector method)
(Switch method)
setW1() (Beat method)
setW2() (Beat method)
setW3() (Beat method)
setWeights() (Beat method)
setWidth() (Scope method)
(Spectrum method)
setWindowed() (SincTable method)
setWinsize() (Harmonizer method)
setWinType() (FFT method)
(IFFT method)
(IFFTMatrix method)
(PVAnal method)
(PVSynth method)
(Spectrum method)
setX() (MatrixPointer method)
setX1() (TrigXnoise method)
(TrigXnoiseMidi method)
(Xnoise method)
(XnoiseDur method)
(XnoiseMidi method)
setX2() (TrigXnoise method)
(TrigXnoiseMidi method)
(Xnoise method)
(XnoiseDur method)
(XnoiseMidi method)
setXfade() (Looper method)
setXfadeShape() (Looper method)
setY() (MatrixPointer method)
setYrange() (PyoGuiGrapher method)
(PyoGuiMultiSlider method)
SfMarkerLooper (class in pyo)
SfMarkerShuffler (class in pyo)
SfPlayer (class in pyo)
shape (PVAmpMod property)
(PVFreqMod property)
SharedTable (class in pyo)
sharp (LFO property)
(RCOsc property)
shelf (SVF2 property)
shift (FreqShift property)
(PVShift property)
showChannelNames() (Scope method)
(Spectrum method)
shutdown() (Server method)
Sig (class in pyo)
sig() (Events method)
SigTo (class in pyo)
Sin (class in pyo)
SincTable (class in pyo)
Sine (class in pyo)
SineLoop (class in pyo)
size (Average property)
(DataTable property)
(FFT property)
(Freeverb property)
(IFFT property)
(IFFTMatrix property)
(NewTable property)
(PVAnal property)
(PyoTableObject property)
(SharedTable property)
(SndTable property)
(Spectrum property)
SLMap (class in pyo)
SLMapDur (class in pyo)
SLMapFreq (class in pyo)
SLMapMul (class in pyo)
SLMapPan (class in pyo)
SLMapPhase (class in pyo)
SLMapQ (class in pyo)
slope (AtanTable property)
(Disto property)
(OscBank property)
(Vocoder property)
SmoothDelay (class in pyo)
Snap (class in pyo)
snap() (EventGenerator method)
sndinfo() (in module pyo)
SndTable (class in pyo)
sound (SfPlayer property)
(SndTable property)
sources (MatrixMorph property)
(TableMorph property)
SPan (class in pyo)
Spectrum (class in pyo)
speed (PVBufTabLoops property)
(Seq property)
(SfMarkerLooper property)
(SfMarkerShuffler property)
(SfPlayer property)
spread (OscBank property)
(PadSynthTable property)
(Pan property)
(Phaser property)
(PVAmpMod property)
(PVFreqMod property)
(Vocoder property)
Sqrt (class in pyo)
SquareTable (class in pyo)
srscale (Degrade property)
stages (Biquadx property)
(Resonx property)
(Vocoder property)
start (Looper property)
(SndTable property)
start() (Server method)
startfromloop (Looper property)
startoffset (Server property)
stop (SndTable property)
stop() (Adsr method)
(Beat method)
(Euclide method)
(Events method)
(Fader method)
(FFT method)
(FreqShift method)
(Looper method)
(MidiListener method)
(MML method)
(Notein method)
(OscListReceive method)
(OscReceive method)
(PeakAmp method)
(PyoObject method)
(PyoPVObject method)
(RMS method)
(Server method)
(Spectrum method)
(TrigBurst method)
store() (Beat method)
STRev (class in pyo)
Sub (class in pyo)
sub() (PyoTableObject method)
SumOsc (class in pyo)
SuperSaw (class in pyo)
sustain (Adsr property)
(MidiAdsr property)
(MidiDelAdsr property)
SVF (class in pyo)
SVF2 (class in pyo)
Switch (class in pyo)
sysexout() (Server method)
table (Convolve property)
(Granulator property)
(Granule property)
(Lookup property)
(Looper property)
(Osc property)
(OscBank property)
(OscLoop property)
(OscTrig property)
(Particle property)
(Particle2 property)
(Pointer property)
(Pointer2 property)
(Pulsar property)
(PVFilter property)
(TableFill property)
(TableIndex property)
(TableMorph property)
(TablePut property)
(TableRead property)
(TableRec property)
(TableScale property)
(TableScan property)
(TableWrite property)
(TrigEnv property)
(TrigTableRec property)
TableFill (class in pyo)
TableIndex (class in pyo)
TableMorph (class in pyo)
TablePut (class in pyo)
TableRead (class in pyo)
TableRec (class in pyo)
TableScale (class in pyo)
TableScan (class in pyo)
TableWrite (class in pyo)
Tan (class in pyo)
Tanh (class in pyo)
taps (Beat property)
(Euclide property)
tension (CurveTable property)
Thresh (class in pyo)
thresh (Compress property)
(Gate property)
(PVGate property)
(ZCross property)
threshold (Thresh property)
time (Beat property)
(CallAfter property)
(Euclide property)
(Metro property)
(Mixer property)
(Pattern property)
(Seq property)
(SigTo property)
(TrigBurst property)
(VarPort property)
Timer (class in pyo)
tolerance (Yin property)
Tone (class in pyo)
toprint (CtlScan property)
(CtlScan2 property)
Touchin (class in pyo)
TrackHold (class in pyo)
transpo (Harmonizer property)
(PVTranspose property)
TranspoToCents (class in pyo)
TriangleTable (class in pyo)
Trig (class in pyo)
trig (OscTrig property)
(TrigTableRec property)
TrigBurst (class in pyo)
TrigChoice (class in pyo)
TrigEnv (class in pyo)
TrigExpseg (class in pyo)
TrigFunc (class in pyo)
triggers (VoiceManager property)
TrigLinseg (class in pyo)
TrigRand (class in pyo)
TrigRandInt (class in pyo)
TrigTableRec (class in pyo)
TrigVal (class in pyo)
TrigXnoise (class in pyo)
TrigXnoiseMidi (class in pyo)
type (Biquad property)
(Biquadx property)
(EQ property)
(EventScale property)
(IRPulse property)
(IRWinSinc property)
(LFO property)
(Noise property)
(SVF property)
(SVF2 property)
(WinTable property)
up (Vectral property)
update() (PyoGuiScope method)
(PyoGuiSndView method)
(PyoGuiSpectrum method)
upsamp() (in module pyo)
upthresh (Expand property)
Urn (class in pyo)
useWaitTimeOnStop() (PyoObjectBase method)
value (SampHold property)
(Select property)
(Sig property)
(SigTo property)
(TrackHold property)
(TrigVal property)
(VarPort property)
VarPort (class in pyo)
Vectral (class in pyo)
verbosity (Server property)
view() (NewTable method)
(PyoMatrixObject method)
(PyoTableObject method)
(Scope method)
(SndTable method)
(Spectrum method)
Vocoder (class in pyo)
voice (Selector property)
(Switch property)
VoiceManager (class in pyo)
w1 (Beat property)
w2 (Beat property)
w3 (Beat property)
Waveguide (class in pyo)
WGVerb (class in pyo)
width (Spectrum property)
windowed (SincTable property)
winsize (Harmonizer property)
WinTable (class in pyo)
wintype (FFT property)
(IFFT property)
(IFFTMatrix property)
(PVAnal property)
(PVSynth property)
(Spectrum property)
withCoreaudio() (in module pyo)
withJack() (in module pyo)
withOSC() (in module pyo)
withPortaudio() (in module pyo)
withPortmidi() (in module pyo)
Wrap (class in pyo)
wrap() (in module pyo)
write() (ControlRec method)
(NoteinRec method)
(PyoMatrixObject method)
(PyoTableObject method)
x (MatrixPointer property)
x1 (TrigXnoise property)
(TrigXnoiseMidi property)
(Xnoise property)
(XnoiseDur property)
(XnoiseMidi property)
x2 (TrigXnoise property)
(TrigXnoiseMidi property)
(Xnoise property)
(XnoiseDur property)
(XnoiseMidi property)
xfade (Looper property)
xfadeshape (Looper property)
Xnoise (class in pyo)
XnoiseDur (class in pyo)
XnoiseMidi (class in pyo)
y (MatrixPointer property)
Yin (class in pyo)
ZCross (class in pyo)