Sample Accurate Timing (Triggers)¶
Set of objects to manage triggers streams.
A trigger is an audio signal with a value of 1 surrounded by 0s.
TrigXXX objects use this kind of signal to generate different processes with sample rate timing accuracy.
Objects in this category¶
: Generates algorithmic trigger patterns.Change
: Sends trigger that informs when input value has changed.Cloud
: Generates random triggers.Count
: Counts integers at audio rate.Counter
: Integer count generator.Euclide
: Euclidean rhythm generator.Iter
: Triggers iterate over a list of values.Metro
: Generates isochronous trigger signals.NextTrig
: A trigger in the second stream opens a gate only for the next one in the first stream.Percent
: Lets pass a certain percentage of the input triggers.Select
: Sends trigger on matching integer values.Seq
: Generates a rhythmic sequence of trigger signals.Thresh
: Informs when a signal crosses a threshold.Timer
: Reports elapsed time between two trigs.Trig
: Sends one trigger.TrigBurst
: Generates a time/amplitude expandable trigger pattern.TrigChoice
: Random generator from user’s defined values.TrigEnv
: Envelope reader generator.TrigExpseg
: Exponential segments trigger.TrigFunc
: Python function callback.TrigLinseg
: Line segments trigger.TrigRandInt
: Pseudo-random integer generator.TrigRand
: Pseudo-random number generator.TrigTableRec
: TrigTableRec is for writing samples into a previously created table.TrigVal
: Outputs a previously defined value on a trigger signal.TrigXnoise
: Triggered X-class pseudo-random generator.TrigXnoiseMidi
: Triggered X-class midi notes pseudo-random generator.
- class Beat(time=0.125, taps=16, w1=80, w2=50, w3=30, poly=1, onlyonce=False)[source]¶
Generates algorithmic trigger patterns.
A trigger is an audio signal with a value of 1 surrounded by 0s.
Beat generates measures of length taps and uses weight parameters (w1, w2 and w3) to compute the chances of a beat to be present in the generated measure.
User can store the current pattern in one of the 32 preset slots with the store() method and recall it later with recall(x).
A preset is a list where the first value is the number of beats in the measure, followed by 1s and 0s. For a 4/4 measure with only down beats:
[16, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
The play() method starts the Beat and is not called at the object creation time.
- Parent
- Args
- time: float or PyoObject, optional
Time, in seconds, between each beat of the pattern. Defaults to 0.125.
- taps: int, optional
Number of beats in the generated pattern, max = 64. Defaults to 16.
- w1: int {0 -> 100}, optional
Probability for down beats. Defaults to 80.
- w2: int {0 -> 100}, optional
Probability for up beats. Defaults to 50.
- w3: int {0 -> 100}, optional
Probability for the weakest beats. Defaults to 30.
- poly: int, optional
Beat polyphony. Denotes how many independent streams are generated by the object, allowing overlapping processes.
Available only at initialization. Defaults to 1.
- onlyonce: boolean, optional
If True, the sequence will play only once and automatically stop. Defaults to False.
Beat outputs many signals identified with a string between brackets:
obj[‘tap’] returns audio stream of the current tap of the measure.obj[‘amp’] returns audio stream of the current beat amplitude.obj[‘dur’] returns audio stream of the current beat duration in seconds.obj[‘end’] returns audio stream with a trigger just before the end of the measure.obj without brackets returns the generated trigger stream of the measure.
The out() method is bypassed. Beat’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
Beat has no mul and add attributes.
>>> s = Server().boot() >>> s.start() >>> t = CosTable([(0,0), (100,1), (500,.3), (8191,0)]) >>> beat = Beat(time=.125, taps=16, w1=[90,80], w2=50, w3=35, poly=1).play() >>> trmid = TrigXnoiseMidi(beat, dist=12, mrange=(60, 96)) >>> trhz = Snap(trmid, choice=[0,2,3,5,7,8,10], scale=1) >>> tr2 = TrigEnv(beat, table=t, dur=beat['dur'], mul=beat['amp']) >>> a = Sine(freq=trhz, mul=tr2*0.3).out()
Public Data Attributes:
float or PyoObject.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
([time, taps, w1, w2, w3, poly, ...])__getitem__
([identifier, all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
()Reset internal counters to initialization values.
([now])Generates a new pattern with the current parameters.
()Generates a fill-in pattern and then restore the current one.
(x)Store the current pattern in memory x.
(x)Recall the pattern previously stored in memory x.
()Returns the list of stored presets.
(x)Store a list presets.
(x)Replace the time attribute.
(x)Replace the taps attribute.
(x)Replace the w1 attribute.
(x)Replace the w2 attribute.
(x)Replace the w3 attribute.
([w1, w2, w3])Replace the weight attributes.
(x)Replace the onlyonce attribute.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([wait])Stop processing.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- get(identifier='amp', all=False)[source]¶
Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
Can be used to convert audio stream to usable Python data.
“tap”, “amp” or “dur” must be given to identifier to specify which stream to get value from.
- Args
- identifier: string {“tap”, “amp”, “dur”}
Address string parameter identifying audio stream. Defaults to “amp”.
- all: boolean, optional
If True, the first value of each object’s stream will be returned as a list.
If False, only the value of the first object’s stream will be returned as a float.
- new(now=False)[source]¶
Generates a new pattern with the current parameters.
- Args
- now: boolean
If True, the new sequence is immediately generated, otherwise (the default), the new sequence is generated after the current sequence is completed.
- recall(x)[source]¶
Recall the pattern previously stored in memory x.
- Args
- x: int
Memory number. 0 <= x < 32.
- setWeights(w1=None, w2=None, w3=None)[source]¶
Replace the weight attributes.
Arguments set to None remain unchanged.
- Args
- w1: int, optional
New w1 attribute. Defaults to None.
- w2: int, optional
New w2 attribute. Defaults to None.
- w3: int, optional
New w3 attribute. Defaults to None.
- play(dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing without sending samples to output. This method is called automatically at the object creation.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
- stop(wait=0)[source]¶
Stop processing.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- wait: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the process is actually stopped. If autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, this value is propagated to the children objects. Defaults to 0.
if the method setStopDelay(x) was called before calling stop(wait) with a positive wait value, the wait value won’t overwrite the value given to setStopDelay for the current object, but will be the one propagated to children objects. This allow to set a waiting time for a specific object with setStopDelay whithout changing the global delay time given to the stop method.
Fader and Adsr objects ignore waiting time given to the stop method because they already implement a delayed processing triggered by the stop call.
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- setSub(x)[source]¶
Replace and inverse the add attribute.
- Args
- x: float or PyoObject
New inversed add attribute.
- setDiv(x)[source]¶
Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
- Args
- x: float or PyoObject
New inversed mul attribute.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property time¶
float or PyoObject. Time, in seconds, between each beat.
- property taps¶
int. Number of beats in the generated pattern.
- property w1¶
int. Probability for down beats.
- property w2¶
int. Probability for up beats.
- property w3¶
int. Probability for other beats.
- property onlyonce¶
boolean. Trigger the sequence only once.
- class Change(input, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Sends trigger that informs when input value has changed.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal. Must contains integer numbers.
The out() method is bypassed. Change’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
Public Data Attributes:
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input[, mul, add])out
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio signal.
- class Cloud(density=10, poly=1)[source]¶
Generates random triggers.
Generates random triggers with control over the generation density.
A trigger is an audio signal with a value of 1 surrounded by 0s.
The play() method starts the Cloud and is not called at the object creation time.
- Parent
- Args
- density: float or PyoObject, optional
Average number of triggers per second. Defaults to 10.
- poly: int, optional
Cloud polyphony. Denotes how many independent streams are generated by the object, allowing overlapping processes.
Available only at initialization. Defaults to 1.
The out() method is bypassed. Cloud’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
Cloud has no mul and add attributes.
Public Data Attributes:
float or PyoObject.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
([density, poly])setDensity
(x)Replace the density attribute.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- setDensity(x)[source]¶
Replace the density attribute.
- Args
- x: float or PyoObject
New density attribute.
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- setSub(x)[source]¶
Replace and inverse the add attribute.
- Args
- x: float or PyoObject
New inversed add attribute.
- setDiv(x)[source]¶
Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
- Args
- x: float or PyoObject
New inversed mul attribute.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property density¶
float or PyoObject. Average density of triggers generation.
- class Count(input, min=0, max=0, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Counts integers at audio rate.
Count generates a signal increasing by 1 each sample when it receives a trigger. It can be used to do sample playback using TableIndex.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Trigger signal. Start or Restart the count.
- min: int, optional
Minimum value of the count, included in the count. Defaults to 0.
- max: int, optional
Maximum value of the count. excluded of the count. Defaults to 0.
A value of 0 eliminates the maximum, and the count continues increasing without resetting.
Public Data Attributes:
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input[, min, max, mul, add])setInput
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the min attribute.
(x)Replace the max attribute.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New input signal.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Trigger signal. Start/Restart the count.
- property min¶
int. Minimum value.
- property max¶
int. Maximum value.
- class Counter(input, min=0, max=100, dir=0, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Integer count generator.
Counter keeps track of all triggers received, outputs the current count constrained within min and max range, and can be set to count up, down, or up-and-down.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal sending triggers.
- min: int, optional
Minimum value of the count, included in the count. Defaults to 0.
- max: int, optional
Maximum value of the count. excluded of the count. The counter will count up to max - 1. Defaults to 100.
- dir: int {0, 1, 2}, optional
- Direction of the count. Defaults to 0. Three possible values:
The out() method is bypassed. Counter’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
See also
Public Data Attributes:
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input[, min, max, dir, mul, add])out
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the min attribute.
(x)Replace the max attribute.
(x)Replace the dir attribute.
([value])Reset the current count of the counter.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- reset(value=None)[source]¶
Reset the current count of the counter. If value is None, the counter resets to the beginning of the count.
- Args
- value: int, optional
Value where to reset the count. Defaults to None.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
- property min¶
int. Minimum value.
- property max¶
int. Maximum value.
- property dir¶
int. Direction of the count.
- class Euclide(time=0.125, taps=16, onsets=10, poly=1)[source]¶
Euclidean rhythm generator.
This object generates euclidean trigger patterns, resulting in onsets in the rhythm to be as equidistant as possible.
A trigger is an audio signal with a value of 1 surrounded by 0s.
The play() method starts the Euclide and is not called at the object creation time.
- Parent
- Args
- time: float or PyoObject, optional
Time, in seconds, between each beat of the pattern. Defaults to 0.125.
- taps: int, optional
Number of beats in the generated pattern (measure length), max = 64. Defaults to 16.
- onsets: int, optional
Number of onsets (a positive tap) in the generated pattern. Defaults to 10.
- poly: int, optional
Beat polyphony. Denotes how many independent streams are generated by the object, allowing overlapping processes.
Available only at initialization. Defaults to 1.
Euclide outputs many signals identified with a string between brackets:
obj[‘tap’] returns audio stream of the current tap of the measure.obj[‘amp’] returns audio stream of the current beat amplitude.obj[‘dur’] returns audio stream of the current beat duration in seconds.obj[‘end’] returns audio stream with a trigger just before the end of the measure.obj without brackets returns the generated trigger stream of the measure.
The out() method is bypassed. Euclide’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
Euclide has no mul and add attributes.
>>> s = Server().boot() >>> s.start() >>> t = CosTable([(0,0), (100,1), (500,.3), (8191,0)]) >>> beat = Euclide(time=.125, taps=16, onsets=[8,7], poly=1).play() >>> trmid = TrigXnoiseMidi(beat, dist=12, mrange=(60, 96)) >>> trhz = Snap(trmid, choice=[0,2,3,5,7,8,10], scale=1) >>> tr2 = TrigEnv(beat, table=t, dur=beat['dur'], mul=beat['amp']) >>> a = Sine(freq=trhz, mul=tr2*0.3).out()
Public Data Attributes:
float or PyoObject.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
([time, taps, onsets, poly])__generate__
(m, k)Generates the euclidean rhythm for m onsets in a measure of length k (number of taps).
([identifier, all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
(x)Replace the time attribute.
(x)Replace the taps attribute.
(x)Replace the onsets attribute.
()Reset internal counters to initialization values.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([wait])Stop processing.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- get(identifier='amp', all=False)[source]¶
Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
Can be used to convert audio stream to usable Python data.
“tap”, “amp” or “dur” must be given to identifier to specify which stream to get value from.
- Args
- identifier: string {“tap”, “amp”, “dur”}
Address string parameter identifying audio stream. Defaults to “amp”.
- all: boolean, optional
If True, the first value of each object’s stream will be returned as a list.
If False, only the value of the first object’s stream will be returned as a float.
- play(dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing without sending samples to output. This method is called automatically at the object creation.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
- stop(wait=0)[source]¶
Stop processing.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- wait: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the process is actually stopped. If autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, this value is propagated to the children objects. Defaults to 0.
if the method setStopDelay(x) was called before calling stop(wait) with a positive wait value, the wait value won’t overwrite the value given to setStopDelay for the current object, but will be the one propagated to children objects. This allow to set a waiting time for a specific object with setStopDelay whithout changing the global delay time given to the stop method.
Fader and Adsr objects ignore waiting time given to the stop method because they already implement a delayed processing triggered by the stop call.
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- setSub(x)[source]¶
Replace and inverse the add attribute.
- Args
- x: float or PyoObject
New inversed add attribute.
- setDiv(x)[source]¶
Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
- Args
- x: float or PyoObject
New inversed mul attribute.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property time¶
float or PyoObject. Time, in seconds, between each beat.
- property taps¶
int. Number of beats in the generated pattern.
- property onsets¶
int. Number of onsets in the generated pattern.
- class Iter(input, choice, init=0.0, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Triggers iterate over a list of values.
Iter loops over a list of user-defined values. When a trigger is received in input, Iter moves up to the next value in the list, with wrap-around.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal sending triggers.
- choice: list of floats or PyoObjects
Sequence of values over which to iterate. If a PyoObject with more than one audio streams is given, the streams will be flattened and inserted in the main list. See setChoice method for more details.
- init: float, optional
Initial value. Available at initialization time only. Defaults to 0.
Iter will send a trigger signal when the iterator hits the last value of the list choice. User can retreive the trigger streams by calling obj[‘trig’]. Useful to synchronize other processes.
>>> s = Server().boot() >>> s.start() >>> l1 = [300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550] >>> l2 = [300, 350, 450, 500, 550] >>> t = CosTable([(0,0), (50,1), (250,.3), (8191,0)]) >>> met = Metro(time=.125, poly=2).play() >>> amp = TrigEnv(met, table=t, dur=.25, mul=.3) >>> it = Iter(met, choice=[l1, l2]) >>> si = Sine(freq=it, mul=amp).out()
Public Data Attributes:
list of floats or PyoObjects.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input, choice[, init, mul, add])setInput
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the choice attribute.
([x])Resets the current count.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
(x)Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- setChoice(x)[source]¶
Replace the choice attribute.
x is a sequence of values over which to iterate. If a PyoObject with more than one audio streams is given, the streams will be flattened and inserted in the main list. For example, the choices:
[100, Randi(100,200,4), 200, Sig(250, mul=[1, 2])]
will expand to:
[100, rand_val, 200, 250, 500] # the last two are audio streams.
- Args
- x: list of floats or PyoObjects
new choice attribute.
- reset(x=0)[source]¶
Resets the current count.
- Args
- x: int, optional
Value where to reset the count. Defaults to 0.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
- property choice¶
list of floats or PyoObjects. Possible values.
- class Metro(time=1, poly=1)[source]¶
Generates isochronous trigger signals.
A trigger is an audio signal with a value of 1 surrounded by 0s.
The play() method starts the metro and is not called at the object creation time.
- Parent
- Args
- time: float or PyoObject, optional
Time between each trigger in seconds. Defaults to 1.
- poly: int, optional
Metronome polyphony. Denotes how many independent streams are generated by the metronome, allowing overlapping processes.
Available only at initialization. Defaults to 1.
The out() method is bypassed. Metro’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
Metro has no mul and add attributes.
Public Data Attributes:
float or PyoObject.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
([time, poly])setTime
(x)Replace the time attribute.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- setSub(x)[source]¶
Replace and inverse the add attribute.
- Args
- x: float or PyoObject
New inversed add attribute.
- setDiv(x)[source]¶
Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
- Args
- x: float or PyoObject
New inversed mul attribute.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property time¶
float or PyoObject. Time between each trigger in seconds.
- class NextTrig(input, input2, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
A trigger in the second stream opens a gate only for the next one in the first stream.
When the gate is opened by a trigger in input2 signal, the next trigger in input signal is allowed to pass and automatically closes the gate.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Trigger signal. Trigger stream waiting for the gate to be opened.
- input2: PyoObject
Trigger signal. Trigger stream opening the gate.
The input signal is evaluated before the input2 signal, so it’s safe to send triggers in both inputs at the same time and wait for the next one.
>>> s = Server().boot() >>> s.start() >>> mid = Urn(max=4, freq=4, add=60) >>> sigL = SineLoop(freq=MToF(mid), feedback=.08, mul=0.3).out() >>> first = NextTrig(Change(mid), mid["trig"]) >>> amp = TrigExpseg(first, [(0,0),(.01,.25),(1,0)]) >>> sigR = SineLoop(midiToHz(84), feedback=0.05, mul=amp).out(1)
Public Data Attributes:
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input, input2[, mul, add])setInput
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input2 attribute.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
- setInput2(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input2 attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Incoming trigger stream signal.
- property input2¶
PyoObject. Trigger stream opening the gate.
- class Percent(input, percent=50.0, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Lets pass a certain percentage of the input triggers.
Percent looks at the triggers received in input and lets them pass percent of the time.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal sending triggers.
- percent: float or PyoObject, optional
How much percentage of triggers to let pass, between 0 and 100. Defaults to 50.
The out() method is bypassed. Percent’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
>>> s = Server().boot() >>> s.start() >>> t = CosTable([(0,0), (50,1), (250,.3), (8191,0)]) >>> met = Metro(time=.125, poly=2).play() >>> trig = Percent(met, percent=50) >>> amp = TrigEnv(trig, table=t, dur=.25, mul=.3) >>> fr = TrigRand(trig, min=400, max=1000) >>> freq = Port(fr, risetime=0.001, falltime=0.001) >>> a = Sine(freq=freq, mul=amp).out()
Public Data Attributes:
float or PyoObject.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input[, percent, mul, add])out
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the percent attribute.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- setPercent(x)[source]¶
Replace the percent attribute.
- Args
- x: float or PyoObject
new percent attribute.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio signal.
- property percent¶
float or PyoObject. Percentage value.
- class Select(input, value=0, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Sends trigger on matching integer values.
Select takes in input an audio signal containing integer numbers and sends a trigger when the input matches value parameter. This object is especially designed to be used with Counter object.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal. Must contains integer numbers.
- value: int, optional
Value to be matched to send a trigger. Defaults to 0.
The out() method is bypassed. Select’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
See also
Public Data Attributes:
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input[, value, mul, add])out
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the value attribute.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio signal.
- property value¶
int. Matching value.
- class Seq(time=1, seq=[1], poly=1, onlyonce=False, speed=1)[source]¶
Generates a rhythmic sequence of trigger signals.
A trigger is an audio signal with a value of 1 surrounded by 0s.
The play() method starts the sequence and is not called at the object creation time.
- Parent
- Args
- time: float or PyoObject, optional
Base time between each trigger in seconds. Defaults to 1.
- seq: list of floats, optional
Sequence of beat durations in time’s unit. Defaults to [1].
- poly: int, optional
Seq polyphony. Denotes how many independent streams are generated by the metronome, allowing overlapping processes.
Available only at initialization. Defaults to 1.
- onlyonce: boolean, optional
If True, the sequence will play only once and automatically stop. Defaults to False.
- speed: float or PyoObject, optional
Continuous speed factor. This factor multiplies the speed of the internal timer continuously. It can be useful to create time deceleration or acceleration. Defaults to 1.
The out() method is bypassed. Seq’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
Seq has no mul and add attributes.
>>> s = Server().boot() >>> s.start() >>> env = CosTable([(0,0),(300,1),(1000,.3),(8191,0)]) >>> seq = Seq(time=.125, seq=[2,1,1,2], poly=2).play() >>> tr = TrigRand(seq, min=250, max=500, port=.005) >>> amp = TrigEnv(seq, table=env, dur=.25, mul=.25) >>> a = SineLoop(tr, feedback=0.07, mul=amp).out()
Public Data Attributes:
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
List of floats.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
([time, seq, poly, onlyonce, speed])setTime
(x)Replace the time attribute.
(x)Replace the speed attribute.
(x)Replace the seq attribute.
(x)Replace the onlyonce attribute.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- setSub(x)[source]¶
Replace and inverse the add attribute.
- Args
- x: float or PyoObject
New inversed add attribute.
- setDiv(x)[source]¶
Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
- Args
- x: float or PyoObject
New inversed mul attribute.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property time¶
float or PyoObject. Base time between each trigger in seconds.
- property speed¶
float or PyoObject. Continuous speed factor.
- property seq¶
List of floats. Sequence of beat durations in time’s unit.
- property onlyonce¶
boolean. Trigger the sequence only once.
- class Thresh(input, threshold=0.0, dir=0, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Informs when a signal crosses a threshold.
Thresh sends a trigger when a signal crosses a threshold. The dir parameter can be used to set the crossing mode, down-up, up-down, or both.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal sending triggers.
- threshold: float or PyoObject, optional
Threshold value. Defaults to 0.
- dir: int {0, 1, 2}, optional
- There are three modes of using Thresh:
- down-up (default)
sends a trigger when current value is higher than the threshold, while old value was equal to or lower than the threshold.
- up-down
sends a trigger when current value is lower than the threshold, while old value was equal to or higher than the threshold.
- both direction
sends a trigger in both the two previous cases.
The out() method is bypassed. Thresh’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
Public Data Attributes:
float or PyoObject.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input[, threshold, dir, mul, add])out
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the threshold attribute.
(x)Replace the dir attribute.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- setThreshold(x)[source]¶
Replace the threshold attribute.
- Args
- x: float or PyoObject
new threshold attribute.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio signal.
- property threshold¶
float or PyoObject. Threshold value.
- property dir¶
int. User mode.
- class Timer(input, input2, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Reports elapsed time between two trigs.
A trigger in input2 signal starts an internal timer. The next trigger in input signal stops it and reports the elapsed time between the two triggers. Useful for filtering triggers that are too close to each other.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Trigger signal. Stops the timer and reports elapsed time.
- input2: PyoObject
Trigger signal. Starts the timer if not already started.
The input signal is evaluated before the input2 signal, so it’s safe to stop and start the timer with the same trigger signal.
>>> s = Server().boot() >>> s.start() >>> cl = Cloud(density=20, poly=2).play() >>> ti = Timer(cl, cl) >>> # Minimum waiting time before a new trig >>> cp = Compare(ti, comp=.05, mode=">") >>> trig = cl * cp >>> amp = TrigEnv(trig, table=HannTable(), dur=.05, mul=.25) >>> freq = TrigChoice(trig, choice=[100,150,200,250,300,350,400]) >>> a = LFO(freq=freq, type=2, mul=amp).out()
Public Data Attributes:
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input, input2[, mul, add])setInput
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input2 attribute.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
- setInput2(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input2 attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Default to 0.05.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Timer stop signal.
- property input2¶
PyoObject. Timer start signal.
- class Trig[source]¶
Sends one trigger.
A trigger is an audio signal with a value of 1 surrounded by 0s.
Trig sends a trigger each time it’s play() method is called.
- Parent
The out() method is bypassed. Trig’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
Trig has no mul and add attributes.
Public Data Attributes:
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- class TrigBurst(input, time=0.25, count=10, expand=1.0, ampfade=1.0, poly=1)[source]¶
Generates a time/amplitude expandable trigger pattern.
A trigger is an audio signal with a value of 1 surrounded by 0s.
When TrigBurst receives a trigger in its input argument, it starts to output count triggers with a variable delay between each trigger of the pattern. If expand is less than 1.0, the delay becomes shorter, if it is greater than 1.0, the delay becomes longer.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Input signal sending triggers.
- time: float, optional
Base time, in seconds, between each trig of the serie. Defaults to 0.25.
- count: int, optional
Number of trigs generated (length of the serie). Defaults to 10.
- expand: float, optional
Timing power serie factor. Each delay before the next trig is the current delay (starting with time) times expand factor. Defaults to 1.0.
- ampfade: float, optional
Amplitude power serie factor. Each amplitude in the serie is the current amplitude (starting at 1) times ampfade factor. Defaults to 1.0.
- poly: int, optional
Voice polyphony. Denotes how many independent streams are generated by the object, allowing overlapping processes.
Available only at initialization. Defaults to 1.
TrigBurst outputs many signals identified with a string between brackets:
obj[‘tap’] returns audio stream of the current tap of the serie.obj[‘amp’] returns audio stream of the current beat amplitude.obj[‘dur’] returns audio stream of the current beat duration in seconds.obj[‘end’] returns audio stream with a trigger just before the end of the serie.obj without brackets returns the generated trigger stream of the serie.
The out() method is bypassed. TrigBurst’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
TrigBurst has no mul and add attributes.
>>> s = Server().boot() >>> s.start() >>> env = CosTable([(0,0), (100,0.5), (500, 0.3), (4096,0.3), (8192,0)]) >>> m = Metro(2).play() >>> tb = TrigBurst(m, time=0.15, count=[15,20], expand=[0.92,0.9], ampfade=0.85) >>> amp = TrigEnv(tb, env, dur=tb["dur"], mul=tb["amp"]*0.3) >>> a = Sine([800,600], mul=amp) >>> rev = STRev(a, inpos=[0,1], revtime=1.5, cutoff=5000, bal=0.1).out()
Public Data Attributes:
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input[, time, count, expand, ...])__getitem__
([identifier, all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the time attribute.
(x)Replace the count attribute.
(x)Replace the expand attribute.
(x)Replace the ampfade attribute.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([wait])Stop processing.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- get(identifier='amp', all=False)[source]¶
Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
Can be used to convert audio stream to usable Python data.
“tap”, “amp” or “dur” must be given to identifier to specify which stream to get value from.
- Args
- identifier: string {“tap”, “amp”, “dur”}
Address string parameter identifying audio stream. Defaults to “amp”.
- all: boolean, optional
If True, the first value of each object’s stream will be returned as a list.
If False, only the value of the first object’s stream will be returned as a float.
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- play(dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing without sending samples to output. This method is called automatically at the object creation.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
- stop(wait=0)[source]¶
Stop processing.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- wait: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the process is actually stopped. If autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, this value is propagated to the children objects. Defaults to 0.
if the method setStopDelay(x) was called before calling stop(wait) with a positive wait value, the wait value won’t overwrite the value given to setStopDelay for the current object, but will be the one propagated to children objects. This allow to set a waiting time for a specific object with setStopDelay whithout changing the global delay time given to the stop method.
Fader and Adsr objects ignore waiting time given to the stop method because they already implement a delayed processing triggered by the stop call.
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- setSub(x)[source]¶
Replace and inverse the add attribute.
- Args
- x: float or PyoObject
New inversed add attribute.
- setDiv(x)[source]¶
Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
- Args
- x: float or PyoObject
New inversed mul attribute.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
- property time¶
float. Base time, in seconds, between each trig.
- property count¶
int. Number of triggers in the generated serie.
- property expand¶
float. Time’s power expansion factor.
- property ampfade¶
float. Amplitude’s power expansion factor.
- class TrigChoice(input, choice, port=0.0, init=0.0, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Random generator from user’s defined values.
TrigChoice chooses randomly a new value in list choice each time it receives a trigger in its input parameter. The value is kept until the next trigger.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal sending triggers.
- choice: list of floats
Possible values for the random generation.
- port: float, optional
Portamento. Time to reach a new value. Defaults to 0.
- init: float, optional
Initial value. Available at initialization time only. Defaults to 0.
Public Data Attributes:
list of floats.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input, choice[, port, init, mul, add])setInput
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the choice attribute.
(x)Replace the port attribute.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
- property choice¶
list of floats. Possible values.
- property port¶
float. Ramp time.
- class TrigEnv(input, table, dur=1, interp=2, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Envelope reader generator.
TrigEnv starts reading an envelope in dur seconds each time it receives a trigger in its input parameter.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal sending triggers.
- table: PyoTableObject
Table containing the envelope.
- dur: float or PyoObject, optional
Duration in seconds of the envelope. Defaults to 1.
- interp: int, optional
- Choice of the interpolation method. Defaults to 2.
no interpolation
TrigEnv will send a trigger signal at the end of the playback. User can retreive the trigger streams by calling obj[‘trig’]. Useful to synchronize other processes.
Public Data Attributes:
float or PyoObject.
int {1, 2, 3, 4}, Interpolation method.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input, table[, dur, interp, mul, add])setInput
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the table attribute.
(x)Replace the dur attribute.
(x)Replace the interp attribute.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
- property table¶
PyoTableObject. Envelope table.
- property dur¶
float or PyoObject. Duration in seconds.
- property interp¶
int {1, 2, 3, 4}, Interpolation method.
- class TrigExpseg(input, list, exp=10, inverse=True, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Exponential segments trigger.
TrigExpseg starts reading break-points exponential segments each time it receives a trigger in its input parameter.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal sending triggers.
- list: list of tuples
Points used to construct the line segments. Each tuple is a new point in the form (time, value).
Times are given in seconds and must be in increasing order.
- exp: float, optional
Exponent factor. Used to control the slope of the curves. Defaults to 10.
- inverse: boolean, optional
If True, downward slope will be inversed. Useful to create biexponential curves. Defaults to True.
TrigExpseg will send a trigger signal at the end of the playback. User can retreive the trigger streams by calling obj[‘trig’]. Useful to synchronize other processes.
The out() method is bypassed. TrigExpseg’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
Public Data Attributes:
list of tuples.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input, list[, exp, inverse, mul, add])out
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the list attribute.
(x)Replace the exp attribute.
(x)Replace the inverse attribute.
(x)Alias for setList method.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
([xlen, yrange, title, wxnoserver])Opens a grapher window to control the shape of the envelope.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- graph(xlen=None, yrange=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a grapher window to control the shape of the envelope.
When editing the grapher with the mouse, the new set of points will be send to the object on mouse up.
Ctrl+C with focus on the grapher will copy the list of points to the clipboard, giving an easy way to insert the new shape in a script.
- Args
- xlen: float, optional
Set the maximum value of the X axis of the graph. If None, the maximum value is retrieve from the current list of points. Defaults to None.
- yrange: tuple, optional
Set the min and max values of the Y axis of the graph. If None, min and max are retrieve from the current list of points. Defaults to None.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
- property list¶
list of tuples. Points used to construct the line segments.
- property exp¶
float. Exponent factor.
- property inverse¶
boolean. Inversion of downward slope.
- class TrigFunc(input, function, arg=None)[source]¶
Python function callback.
TrigFunc calls the function given at parameter function each time it receives a trigger in its input parameter.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal sending triggers.
- function: Python callable (function or method)
Function to be called.
- arg: anything, optional
Argument sent to the function’s call. If None, the function will be called without argument. Defaults to None.
The out() method is bypassed. TrigFunc’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
TrigFunc has no mul and add attributes.
>>> s = Server().boot() >>> s.start() >>> f = Fader(fadein=.005, fadeout=.1, dur=.12, mul=.2) >>> a = SineLoop(midiToHz([60,60]), feedback=0.05, mul=f).out() >>> c = 0.0 >>> def count(): ... global c ... freq = midiToHz(round(c) + 60) ... a.freq = [freq, freq*0.995] ... c += 1.77 ... if c > 13: c = 0 ... >>> m = Metro(.125).play() >>> tf = TrigFunc(m, count)
Public Data Attributes:
Python callable.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input, function[, arg])out
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the function attribute.
(x)Replace the arg attribute.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- setFunction(x)[source]¶
Replace the function attribute.
- Args
- x: Python callable (function or method)
new function attribute.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
- property function¶
Python callable. Function to be called.
- property arg¶
Anything. Callable’s argument.
- class TrigLinseg(input, list, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Line segments trigger.
TrigLinseg starts reading a break-points line segments each time it receives a trigger in its input parameter.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal sending triggers.
- list: list of tuples
Points used to construct the line segments. Each tuple is a new point in the form (time, value).
Times are given in seconds and must be in increasing order.
TrigLinseg will send a trigger signal at the end of the playback. User can retreive the trigger streams by calling obj[‘trig’]. Useful to synchronize other processes.
The out() method is bypassed. TrigLinseg’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
Public Data Attributes:
list of tuples.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input, list[, mul, add])out
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the list attribute.
(x)Alias for setList method.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
([xlen, yrange, title, wxnoserver])Opens a grapher window to control the shape of the envelope.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- graph(xlen=None, yrange=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a grapher window to control the shape of the envelope.
When editing the grapher with the mouse, the new set of points will be send to the object on mouse up.
Ctrl+C with focus on the grapher will copy the list of points to the clipboard, giving an easy way to insert the new shape in a script.
- Args
- xlen: float, optional
Set the maximum value of the X axis of the graph. If None, the maximum value is retrieve from the current list of points. Defaults to None.
- yrange: tuple, optional
Set the min and max values of the Y axis of the graph. If None, min and max are retrieve from the current list of points. Defaults to None.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
- property list¶
list of tuples. Points used to construct the line segments.
- class TrigRand(input, min=0.0, max=1.0, port=0.0, init=0.0, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Pseudo-random number generator.
TrigRand generates a pseudo-random number between min and max values each time it receives a trigger in its input parameter. The value is kept until the next trigger.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal sending triggers.
- min: float or PyoObject, optional
Minimum value for the random generation. Defaults to 0.
- max: float or PyoObject, optional
Maximum value for the random generation. Defaults to 1.
- port: float, optional
Portamento. Time to reach a new value. Defaults to 0.
- init: float, optional
Initial value. Available at initialization time only. Defaults to 0.
Public Data Attributes:
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input[, min, max, port, init, mul, add])setInput
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the min attribute.
(x)Replace the max attribute.
(x)Replace the port attribute.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
- property min¶
float or PyoObject. Minimum value.
- property max¶
float or PyoObject. Maximum value.
- property port¶
float. Ramp time.
- class TrigRandInt(input, max=100.0, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Pseudo-random integer generator.
TrigRandInt generates a pseudo-random number integer number between 0 and max values each time it receives a trigger in its input parameter. The value is kept until the next trigger.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal sending triggers.
- max: float or PyoObject, optional
Maximum value for the random generation. Defaults to 100.
The out() method is bypassed. TrigRandInt’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
Public Data Attributes:
float or PyoObject.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input[, max, mul, add])setInput
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the max attribute.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
- property max¶
float or PyoObject. Maximum value.
- class TrigTableRec(input, trig, table, fadetime=0)[source]¶
TrigTableRec is for writing samples into a previously created table.
See NewTable to create an empty table.
Each time a “trigger” is received in the trig input, TrigTableRec starts the recording into the table until the table is full.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal to write in the table.
- trig: PyoObject
Audio signal sending triggers.
- table: PyoTableObject
The table where to write samples.
- fadetime: float, optional
Fade time at the beginning and the end of the recording in seconds. Defaults to 0.
The out() method is bypassed. TrigTableRec returns no signal.
TrigTableRec has no mul and add attributes.
TrigTableRec will send a trigger signal at the end of the recording. User can retrieve the trigger streams by calling obj[‘trig’].
obj[‘time’] outputs an audio stream of the current recording time, in samples.
Public Data Attributes:
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input, trig, table[, fadetime])__getitem__
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x[, fadetime])Replace the trig attribute.
(x)Replace the table attribute.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- setTrig(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the trig attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New trigger signal.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio signal to write in the table.
- property trig¶
PyoObject. Audio signal sending triggers.
- property table¶
NewTable. The table where to write samples.
- class TrigVal(input, value=0.0, init=0.0, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Outputs a previously defined value on a trigger signal.
Value defined at value argument is sent when a trigger signal is detected in input.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal sending triggers.
- value: float or PyoObject, optional
Next value. Defaults to 0.
- init: float, optional
Initial value. Defaults to 0.
The out() method is bypassed. TrigVal’s signal can not be sent to audio outs.
Public Data Attributes:
float or PyoObject.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input[, value, init, mul, add])setInput
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the value attribute.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- out(chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0)[source]¶
Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
This method returns self, allowing it to be applied at the object creation.
- Args
- chnl: int, optional
Physical output assigned to the first audio stream of the object. Defaults to 0.
- inc: int, optional
Output channel increment value. Defaults to 1.
- dur: float, optional
Duration, in seconds, of the object’s activation. The default is 0 and means infinite duration.
- delay: float, optional
Delay, in seconds, before the object’s activation. Defaults to 0.
If chnl >= 0, successive streams increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels.
If chnl is negative, streams begin at 0, increment the output number by inc and wrap around the global number of channels. Then, the list of streams is scrambled.
If chnl is a list, successive values in the list will be assigned to successive streams.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
- property value¶
float or PyoObject. Next value.
- class TrigXnoise(input, dist=0, x1=0.5, x2=0.5, mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Triggered X-class pseudo-random generator.
Xnoise implements a few of the most common noise distributions. A new value is generated each time the object receive a trigger in input. Each distribution generates values in the range 0 and 1.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal sending triggers.
- dist: string or int, optional
Distribution type. Defaults to 0.
- x1: float or PyoObject, optional
First parameter. Defaults to 0.5.
- x2: float or PyoObject, optional
Second parameter. Defaults to 0.5.
- Available distributions are:
linear minimum
linear maximum
exponential minimum
exponential maximum
double (bi)exponential
walker (drunk)
loopseg (drunk with looped segments)
Depending on the distribution, x1 and x2 parameters are applied as follow (names as string, or associated number can be used as dist parameter):
- uniform
x1: not used
x2: not used
- linear_min
x1: not used
x2: not used
- linear_max
x1: not used
x2: not used
- triangle
x1: not used
x2: not used
- expon_min
x1: slope {0 = no slope -> 10 = sharp slope}
x2: not used
- expon_max
x1: slope {0 = no slope -> 10 = sharp slope}
x2: not used
- biexpon
x1: bandwidth {0 = huge bandwidth -> 10 = narrow bandwidth}
x2: not used
- cauchy
x1: bandwidth {0 = narrow bandwidth -> 10 = huge bandwidth}
x2: not used
- weibull
x1: mean location {0 -> 1}
x2: shape {0.5 = linear min, 1.5 = expon min, 3.5 = gaussian}
- gaussian
x1: mean location {0 -> 1}
x2: bandwidth {0 = narrow bandwidth -> 10 = huge bandwidth}
- poisson
x1: gravity center {0 = low values -> 10 = high values}
x2: compress/expand range {0.1 = full compress -> 4 full expand}
- walker
x1: maximum value {0.1 -> 1}
x2: maximum step {0.1 -> 1}
- loopseg
x1: maximum value {0.1 -> 1}
x2: maximum step {0.1 -> 1}
>>> s = Server().boot() >>> s.start() >>> wav = SquareTable() >>> env = CosTable([(0,0), (100,1), (500,.3), (8191,0)]) >>> met = Metro(.125, 12).play() >>> amp = TrigEnv(met, table=env, mul=.2) >>> pit = TrigXnoise(met, dist=4, x1=10, mul=1000, add=200) >>> a = Osc(table=wav, freq=pit, mul=amp).out()
Public Data Attributes:
string or int.
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input[, dist, x1, x2, mul, add])setInput
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the dist attribute.
(x)Replace the x1 attribute.
(x)Replace the x2 attribute.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
- property dist¶
string or int. Distribution type.
- property x1¶
float or PyoObject. First parameter.
- property x2¶
float or PyoObject. Second parameter.
- class TrigXnoiseMidi(input, dist=0, x1=0.5, x2=0.5, scale=0, mrange=(0, 127), mul=1, add=0)[source]¶
Triggered X-class midi notes pseudo-random generator.
Xnoise implements a few of the most common noise distributions. A new value is generated each time the object receive a trigger in input. Each distribution generates integer values in the range defined with mrange parameter and output can be scaled on midi notes, hertz or transposition factor.
- Parent
- Args
- input: PyoObject
Audio signal sending triggers.
- dist: string of int, optional
Distribution type. Defaults to 0.
- x1: float or PyoObject, optional
First parameter. Defaults to 0.5.
- x2: float or PyoObject, optional
Second parameter. Defaults to 0.5.
- scale: int {0, 1, 2}, optional
Output format. 0 = MIDI, 1 = Hertz, 2 = transposition factor. Defaults to 0.
In the transposition mode, the central key (the key where there is no transposition) is (minrange + maxrange) / 2.
- mrange: tuple of int, optional
Minimum and maximum possible values, in Midi notes. Available only at initialization time. Defaults to (0, 127).
- Available distributions are:
linear minimum
linear maximum
exponential minimum
exponential maximum
double (bi)exponential
walker (drunk)
loopseg (drunk with looped segments)
Depending on the distribution, x1 and x2 parameters are applied as follow (names as string, or associated number can be used as dist parameter):
- uniform
x1: not used
x2: not used
- linear_min
x1: not used
x2: not used
- linear_max
x1: not used
x2: not used
- triangle
x1: not used
x2: not used
- expon_min
x1: slope {0 = no slope -> 10 = sharp slope}
x2: not used
- expon_max
x1: slope {0 = no slope -> 10 = sharp slope}
x2: not used
- biexpon
x1: bandwidth {0 = huge bandwidth -> 10 = narrow bandwidth}
x2: not used
- cauchy
x1: bandwidth {0 = narrow bandwidth -> 10 = huge bandwidth}
x2: not used
- weibull
x1: mean location {0 -> 1}
x2: shape {0.5 = linear min, 1.5 = expon min, 3.5 = gaussian}
- gaussian
x1: mean location {0 -> 1}
x2: bandwidth {0 = narrow bandwidth -> 10 = huge bandwidth}
- poisson
x1: gravity center {0 = low values -> 10 = high values}
x2: compress/expand range {0.1 = full compress -> 4 full expand}
- walker
x1: maximum value {0.1 -> 1}
x2: maximum step {0.1 -> 1}
- loopseg
x1: maximum value {0.1 -> 1}
x2: maximum step {0.1 -> 1}
>>> s = Server().boot() >>> s.start() >>> wav = SquareTable() >>> env = CosTable([(0,0), (100,1), (500,.3), (8191,0)]) >>> met = Metro(.125, 12).play() >>> amp = TrigEnv(met, table=env, mul=.2) >>> pit = TrigXnoiseMidi(met, dist=4, x1=10, scale=1, mrange=(48,84)) >>> a = Osc(table=wav, freq=pit, mul=amp).out()
Public Data Attributes:
string or int.
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Inherited from
float or PyoObject.
float or PyoObject.
Public Methods:
(input[, dist, x1, x2, scale, ...])setInput
(x[, fadetime])Replace the input attribute.
(x)Replace the dist attribute.
(x)Replace the scale attribute.
(mini, maxi)Replace the mrange attribute.
(x)Replace the x1 attribute.
(x)Replace the x2 attribute.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
([mul, add])__add__
(x)Return self<value.
(x)Return self<=value.
(x)Return self==value.
(x)Return self!=value.
(x)Return self>value.
(x)Return self>=value.
(comp, mode[, default])isPlaying
([all])Returns True if the object is currently playing, otherwise, returns False.
([all])Returns True if the object is outputting.
([all])Return the first sample of the current buffer as a float.
([dur, delay])Start processing without sending samples to output.
([chnl, inc, dur, delay])Start processing and send samples to audio output beginning at chnl.
([wait])Stop processing.
([voices])Mix the object's audio streams into voices streams and return a Mix object.
(min, max)Adjust mul and add attributes according to a given range.
(x)Replace the mul attribute.
(x)Replace the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the add attribute.
(x)Replace and inverse the mul attribute.
(attr, value[, port, callback])Replace any attribute with portamento.
([map_list, title, wxnoserver])Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object.
Inherited from
()Print infos about the current state of the object.
()Return a list of Stream objects managed by the instance.
()Return a reference to the current Server object.
()Return the current sampling rate (samples per second), as a float.
()Return the current buffer size (samples per buffer), as an integer.
([switch])When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method with False as argument to stop the propagation of play/out/stop methods to and from this object.
()When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, call this method to force an object given to the mul attribute of another object to use the wait time from the stop method instead of being stopped immediately.
(x)When autoStartChildren is activated in the Server, use this method to explicitly add an object in a dsp chain, which is generally controlled by the last object of the chain.
(x)Set a specific waiting time when calling the stop method on this object.
()Return the waiting time applied when calling the stop method on this object.
()Alias for __next__ method.
(i, x)__len__
()Return repr(self).
()Default dir() implementation.
Private Data Attributes:
Inherited from
Inherited from
Private Methods:
Inherited from
([attr])Inherited from
([dur, delay])_autostop
- setInput(x, fadetime=0.05)[source]¶
Replace the input attribute.
- Args
- x: PyoObject
New signal to process.
- fadetime: float, optional
Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05.
- setScale(x)[source]¶
Replace the scale attribute.
- Possible values are:
Midi notes
transposition factor (centralkey is (minrange + maxrange) / 2
- Args
- x: int {0, 1, 2}
new scale attribute.
- setRange(mini, maxi)[source]¶
Replace the mrange attribute.
- Args
- mini: int
minimum output midi range.
- maxi: int
maximum output midi range.
- ctrl(map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False)[source]¶
Opens a sliders window to control the parameters of the object. SLMap has a dataOnly attribute to identify parameters that don’t audio signal as control but only discrete values.
If a list of values are given to a parameter, a multisliders will be used to control each stream independently.
- Args
- map_list: list of SLMap objects, optional
Users defined set of parameters scaling. There is default scaling for each object that accept ctrl method.
- title: string, optional
Title of the window. If none is provided, the name of the class is used.
- wxnoserver: boolean, optional
With wxPython graphical toolkit, if True, tells the interpreter that there will be no server window.
If wxnoserver is set to True, the interpreter will not wait for the server GUI before showing the controller window.
- property input¶
PyoObject. Audio trigger signal.
- property dist¶
string or int. Distribution type.
- property x1¶
float or PyoObject. First parameter.
- property x2¶
float or PyoObject. Second parameter.
- property scale¶
int. Output format.