Source code for pyo

Copyright 2009-2019 Olivier Belanger

This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
processing script creation.

pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with pyo.  If not, see <>.
import os
import sys

if sys.platform.startswith("linux") and os.path.isdir("{}{}".format(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".libs")):
    from . import _linux_wheel_fix_symlinks

from .lib._maps import *
from .lib import analysis as analysis
from .lib.analysis import *
from .lib import controls as controls
from .lib.controls import *
from .lib import dynamics as dynamics
from .lib.dynamics import *
from .lib import effects as effects
from .lib.effects import *
from .lib import filters as filters
from .lib.filters import *
from .lib import generators as generators
from .lib.generators import *
from .lib import arithmetic as arithmetic
from .lib.arithmetic import *
from .lib import midi as midi
from .lib.midi import *
from .lib import opensndctrl as opensndctrl
from .lib.opensndctrl import *
from .lib import pan as pan
from .lib.pan import *
from .lib import pattern as pattern
from .lib.pattern import *
from .lib import randoms as randoms
from .lib.randoms import *
from .lib.server import *
from .lib.listener import *
from .lib import players as players
from .lib.players import *
from .lib import tableprocess as tableprocess
from .lib.tableprocess import *
from .lib import matrixprocess as matrixprocess
from .lib.matrixprocess import *
from .lib.tables import *
from .lib.matrix import *
from .lib import triggers as triggers
from .lib.triggers import *
from .lib import utils as utils
from .lib.utils import *
from .lib import expression as expression
from .lib.expression import *
from .lib import fourier as fourier
from .lib.fourier import *
from .lib import phasevoc as phasevoc
from .lib.phasevoc import *
from .lib._core import *
from .lib.wxgui import *
from .lib import wxgui as wxgui
from .lib.hrtf import *
from .lib import hrtf as hrtf
from import *
from .lib import events as events
from .lib.mmlmusic import *
from .lib import mmlmusic as mmlmusic

    from .lib import external as external
    from .lib.external import *

    "functions": sorted(
    "PyoObjectBase": {
        "PyoMatrixObject": sorted(["NewMatrix"]),
        "PyoTableObject": sorted(
        "PyoPVObject": sorted(
        "PyoObject": {
            "analysis": sorted(
            "arithmetic": sorted(
            "controls": sorted(["Fader", "Sig", "SigTo", "Adsr", "Linseg", "Expseg"]),
            "dynamics": sorted(
                ["Clip", "Compress", "Degrade", "Mirror", "Wrap", "Gate", "Balance", "Min", "Max", "Expand",]
            "effects": sorted(
            "filters": sorted(
            "generators": sorted(
            "internals": sorted(["Dummy", "InputFader", "Mix", "VarPort"]),
            "midi": sorted(
            "opensndctrl": sorted(["OscReceive", "OscSend", "OscDataSend", "OscDataReceive", "OscListReceive",]),
            "pan": sorted(["Pan", "SPan", "Switch", "Selector", "Mixer", "VoiceManager", "HRTF", "Binaural",]),
            "pattern": sorted(["Pattern", "Score", "CallAfter"]),
            "randoms": sorted(
            "players": sorted(["SfMarkerShuffler", "SfPlayer", "SfMarkerLooper"]),
            "tableprocess": sorted(
            "matrixprocess": sorted(["MatrixRec", "MatrixPointer", "MatrixMorph", "MatrixRecLoop"]),
            "triggers": sorted(
            "utils": sorted(
            "expression": sorted(["Expr"]),
            "mmlmusic": sorted(["MML"]),
            "fourier": sorted(
                ["FFT", "IFFT", "CarToPol", "PolToCar", "IFFTMatrix", "FrameDelta", "FrameAccum", "Vectral", "CvlVerb",]
            "events": sorted(
    "Map": {"SLMap": sorted(["SLMapFreq", "SLMapMul", "SLMapPhase", "SLMapQ", "SLMapDur", "SLMapPan"])},
    "Server": [],
    "MidiListener": [],
    "MidiDispatcher": [],
    "OscListener": [],
    "Stream": [],
    "TableStream": [],
    "PyoGui": [

    "Methods details",
    "See also",

[docs]def getPyoKeywords(): """ Returns a list of every keywords (classes and functions) of pyo. >>> keywords = getPyoKeywords() """ tree = OBJECTS_TREE _list = [] for k1 in tree.keys(): if type(tree[k1]) == type({}): for k2 in tree[k1].keys(): if type(tree[k1][k2]) == type({}): for k3 in tree[k1][k2].keys(): for val in tree[k1][k2][k3]: _list.append(val) else: for val in tree[k1][k2]: _list.append(val) else: for val in tree[k1]: _list.append(val) _list.extend( ["PyoObjectBase", "PyoObject", "PyoTableObject", "PyoMatrixObject", "PyoPVObject",] ) _list.extend( ["Server", "Map", "SLMap", "MidiListener", "MidiDispatcher", "OscListener", "Stream", "TableStream",] ) return _list
[docs]def getPyoExamples(fullpath=False): """ Returns a listing of the examples, as a dictionary, installed with pyo. :Args: fullpath: boolean If True, the full path of each file is returned. Otherwise, only the filenames are listed. >>> examples = getPyoExamples() """ folder = "examples" filedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) subfolders = [f for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(filedir, folder)) if not f.startswith("__") and not f == "snds"] examples = {} for subfolder in sorted(subfolders): path = os.path.join(filedir, folder, subfolder) if fullpath: files = [os.path.join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path) if not f.startswith("__")] else: files = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if not f.startswith("__")] examples[subfolder] = files return examples
OBJECTS_TREE["functions"] = sorted(OBJECTS_TREE["functions"] + ["getPyoKeywords", "getPyoExamples"])