Source code for pyo.lib.pattern

Set of objects that call Python functions from triggers or number counts.
Useful for event sequencing.


Copyright 2009-2015 Olivier Belanger

This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
processing script creation.

pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with pyo.  If not, see <>.
from ._core import *
from ._maps import *

[docs]class Pattern(PyoObject): """ Periodically calls a Python function. The play() method starts the pattern timer and is not called at the object creation time. :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject` :Args: function: Python callable (function or method) Python function to be called periodically. time: float or PyoObject, optional Time, in seconds, between each call. Default to 1. arg: anything, optional Argument sent to the function's call. If None, the function will be called without argument. Defaults to None. .. note:: The out() method is bypassed. Pattern doesn't return signal. Pattern has no `mul` and `add` attributes. If `arg` is None, the function must be defined without argument: >>> def tocall(): >>> pass # function's body If `arg` is not None, the function must be defined with one argument: >>> def tocall(arg): >>> print(arg) >>> s = Server().boot() >>> s.start() >>> t = HarmTable([1,0,.33,0,.2,0,.143,0,.111]) >>> a = Osc(table=t, freq=[250,251], mul=.2).out() >>> def pat(): ... f = random.randrange(200, 401, 25) ... a.freq = [f, f+1] >>> p = Pattern(pat, .125) >>> """ def __init__(self, function, time=1, arg=None): pyoArgsAssert(self, "cO", function, time) PyoObject.__init__(self) self._function = getWeakMethodRef(function) self._time = time self._arg = arg function, time, arg, lmax = convertArgsToLists(function, time, arg) self._base_objs = [ Pattern_base(WeakMethod(wrap(function, i)), wrap(time, i), wrap(arg, i)) for i in range(lmax) ]
[docs] def setFunction(self, x): """ Replace the `function` attribute. :Args: x: Python callable (function or method) new `function` attribute. """ pyoArgsAssert(self, "c", x) self._function = getWeakMethodRef(x) x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x) [obj.setFunction(WeakMethod(wrap(x, i))) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
[docs] def setTime(self, x): """ Replace the `time` attribute. :Args: x: float or PyoObject New `time` attribute. """ pyoArgsAssert(self, "O", x) self._time = x x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x) [obj.setTime(wrap(x, i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
[docs] def setArg(self, x): """ Replace the `arg` attribute. :Args: x: Anything new `arg` attribute. """ self._arg = x x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x) [obj.setArg(wrap(x, i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
[docs] def out(self, x=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0): return, delay)
[docs] def setMul(self, x): pass
[docs] def setAdd(self, x): pass
[docs] def setSub(self, x): pass
[docs] def setDiv(self, x): pass
[docs] def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False): self._map_list = [SLMap(0.125, 4.0, "lin", "time", self._time)] PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
@property def function(self): """Python callable. Function to be called.""" return self._function @function.setter def function(self, x): self.setFunction(x) @property def time(self): """float or PyoObject. Time, in seconds, between each call.""" return self._time @time.setter def time(self, x): self.setTime(x) @property def arg(self): """Anything. Callable's argument.""" return self._arg @arg.setter def arg(self, x): self.setArg(x)
[docs]class Score(PyoObject): """ Calls functions by incrementation of a preformatted name. Score takes audio stream containning integers in input and calls a function whose name is the concatenation of `fname` and the changing integer. Can be used to sequence events, first by creating functions p0, p1, p2, etc. and then, by passing a counter to a Score object with "p" as `fname` argument. Functions are called without parameters. :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject` :Args: input: PyoObject Audio signal. Must contains integer numbers. Integer must change before calling its function again. fname: string, optional Name of the functions to be called. Defaults to 'event_', meaning that the object will call the function 'event_0', 'event_1', 'event_2', and so on... Available at initialization time only. .. note:: The out() method is bypassed. Score's signal can not be sent to audio outs. Score has no `mul` and `add` attributes. .. seealso:: :py:class:`Pattern`, :py:class:`TrigFunc` >>> s = Server().boot() >>> s.start() >>> a = SineLoop(freq=[200,300,400,500], feedback=0.05, mul=.1).out() >>> def event_0(): ... a.freq=[200,300,400,500] >>> def event_1(): ... a.freq=[300,400,450,600] >>> def event_2(): ... a.freq=[150,375,450,525] >>> m = Metro(1).play() >>> c = Counter(m, min=0, max=3) >>> sc = Score(c) """ def __init__(self, input, fname="event_"): pyoArgsAssert(self, "os", input, fname) PyoObject.__init__(self) self._input = input self._fname = fname self._in_fader = InputFader(input) in_fader, fname, lmax = convertArgsToLists(self._in_fader, fname) self._base_objs = [Score_base(wrap(in_fader, i), wrap(fname, i)) for i in range(lmax)] self._init_play()
[docs] def out(self, chnl=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0): return, delay)
[docs] def setMul(self, x): pass
[docs] def setAdd(self, x): pass
[docs] def setInput(self, x, fadetime=0.05): """ Replace the `input` attribute. :Args: x: PyoObject New signal to process. fadetime: float, optional Crossfade time between old and new input. Defaults to 0.05. """ pyoArgsAssert(self, "oN", x, fadetime) self._input = x self._in_fader.setInput(x, fadetime)
@property def input(self): """PyoObject. Audio signal sending integer numbers.""" return self._input @input.setter def input(self, x): self.setInput(x)
[docs]class CallAfter(PyoObject): """ Calls a Python function after a given time. :Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject` :Args: function: Python callable (function or method) Python callable execute after `time` seconds. time: float, optional Time, in seconds, before the call. Default to 1. arg: any Python object, optional Argument sent to the called function. Default to None. .. note:: The out() method is bypassed. CallAfter doesn't return signal. CallAfter has no `mul` and `add` attributes. If `arg` is None, the function must be defined without argument: >>> def tocall(): >>> pass # function's body If `arg` is not None, the function must be defined with one argument: >>> def tocall(arg): >>> print(arg) The object is not deleted after the call. The user must delete it himself. >>> s = Server().boot() >>> s.start() >>> # Start an oscillator with a frequency of 250 Hz. >>> syn = SineLoop(freq=[250,251], feedback=.07, mul=.2).out() >>> def callback(arg): ... # Change the oscillator's frequency to 300 Hz after 2 seconds. ... # Convert the tuple back to a list. ... syn.freq = list(arg) >>> # Use a tuple for the argument to avoid multi-channel expansion. >>> a = CallAfter(callback, 2, (300,301)) """ def __init__(self, function, time=1, arg=None): pyoArgsAssert(self, "cn", function, time) PyoObject.__init__(self) self._function = getWeakMethodRef(function) self._time = time self._arg = arg function, time, arg, lmax = convertArgsToLists(function, time, arg) self._base_objs = [ CallAfter_base(WeakMethod(wrap(function, i)), wrap(time, i), wrap(arg, i)) for i in range(lmax) ] self._init_play()
[docs] def out(self, x=0, inc=1, dur=0, delay=0): return, delay)
[docs] def setMul(self, x): pass
[docs] def setAdd(self, x): pass
[docs] def setSub(self, x): pass
[docs] def setDiv(self, x): pass
[docs] def setTime(self, x): """ Replace the `time` attribute. :Args: x: float New `time` attribute. """ pyoArgsAssert(self, "n", x) self._time = x x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x) [obj.setTime(wrap(x, i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
[docs] def setArg(self, x): """ Replace the `arg` attribute. :Args: x: Anything new `arg` attribute. """ self._arg = x x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x) [obj.setArg(wrap(x, i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_objs)]
@property def time(self): """float. Time, in seconds, before the function call.""" return self._time @time.setter def time(self, x): self.setTime(x) @property def arg(self): """Anything. Callable's argument.""" return self._arg @arg.setter def arg(self, x): self.setArg(x)