Play soundfiles from the disk.
SfMarkerXXX objects use markers features (store in the header) from
an AIFF file to create more specific reading patterns.
Copyright 2009-2015 Olivier Belanger
This file is part of pyo, a python module to help digital signal
processing script creation.
pyo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
pyo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with pyo. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from ._core import *
from ._maps import *
import aifc
[docs]class SfPlayer(PyoObject):
Soundfile player.
Reads audio data from a file using one of several available interpolation
types. User can alter its pitch with the `speed` attribute. The object
takes care of sampling rate conversion to match the Server sampling
rate setting.
:Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
path: string
Full path name of the sound to read.
speed: float or PyoObject, optional
Transpose the pitch of input sound by this factor.
Defaults to 1.
1 is the original pitch, lower values play sound slower, and higher
values play sound faster.
Negative values results in playing sound backward.
Although the `speed` attribute accepts audio
rate signal, its value is updated only once per buffer size.
loop: bool, optional
If set to True, sound will play in loop. Defaults to False.
offset: float, optional
Time in seconds of input sound to be skipped, assuming speed = 1.
If the object is already playing (and play() is implicitly called at
the object creation), this value will be effective only on the next
loop point. Defaults to 0.
interp: int, optional
Interpolation type. Defaults to 2.
1. no interpolation
2. linear
3. cosinus
4. cubic
.. note::
SfPlayer will send a trigger signal at the end of the playback if
loop is off or any time it wraps around if loop is on. User can
retrieve the trigger streams by calling obj['trig']:
>>> sf = SfPlayer(SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif").out()
>>> trig = TrigRand(sf['trig'])
Note that the object will send as many trigs as there is channels
in the sound file. If you want to retrieve only one trig, only give
the first stream to the next object:
>>> def printing():
... print("one trig!")
>>> sf = SfPlayer("/stereo/sound/file.aif").out()
>>> trig = TrigFunc(sf['trig'][0], printing)
>>> s = Server().boot()
>>> s.start()
>>> snd = SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif"
>>> sf = SfPlayer(snd, speed=[.75,.8], loop=True, mul=.3).out()
def __init__(self, path, speed=1, loop=False, offset=0, interp=2, mul=1, add=0):
pyoArgsAssert(self, "sObniOO", path, speed, loop, offset, interp, mul, add)
PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
self._path = path
self._speed = speed
self._loop = loop
self._offset = offset
self._interp = interp
path, speed, loop, offset, interp, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(
path, speed, loop, offset, interp, mul, add
self._base_players = []
self._base_objs = []
_trig_objs_tmp = []
for i in range(lmax):
_snd_size, _dur, _snd_sr, _snd_chnls, _format, _type = sndinfo(path[0], raise_on_failure=True)
stringencode(wrap(path, i)), wrap(speed, i), wrap(loop, i), wrap(offset, i), wrap(interp, i)
for j in range(_snd_chnls):
self._base_objs.append(SfPlay_base(self._base_players[-1], j, wrap(mul, i), wrap(add, i)))
self._trig_objs = Dummy(_trig_objs_tmp)
[docs] def setPath(self, path):
Sets a new sound to read.
The number of channels of the new sound must match those
of the sound loaded at initialization time.
path: string
Full path of the new sound.
pyoArgsAssert(self, "s", path)
if type(self._path) == list:
curNchnls = sndinfo(self._path[0], raise_on_failure=True)[3]
curNchnls = sndinfo(self._path, raise_on_failure=True)[3]
if type(path) == list:
p = path[0]
p = path
_snd_size, _dur, _snd_sr, _snd_chnls, _format, _type = sndinfo(p, raise_on_failure=True)
if _snd_chnls != curNchnls:
print("Soundfile must contains exactly %d channels." % curNchnls)
self._path = path
path, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path)
[obj.setSound(stringencode(wrap(path, i))) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
[docs] def setSound(self, path):
Sets a new sound to read.
The number of channels of the new sound must match those
of the sound loaded at initialization time.
path: string
Full path of the new sound.
[docs] def setSpeed(self, x):
Replace the `speed` attribute.
x: float or PyoObject
new `speed` attribute.
pyoArgsAssert(self, "O", x)
self._speed = x
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setSpeed(wrap(x, i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
[docs] def setLoop(self, x):
Replace the `loop` attribute.
x: bool {True, False}
new `loop` attribute.
pyoArgsAssert(self, "b", x)
self._loop = x
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players):
if wrap(x, i):
[docs] def setOffset(self, x):
Replace the `offset` attribute.
x: float
new `offset` attribute.
pyoArgsAssert(self, "n", x)
self._offset = x
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setOffset(wrap(x, i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
[docs] def setInterp(self, x):
Replace the `interp` attribute.
x: int {1, 2, 3, 4}
new `interp` attribute.
pyoArgsAssert(self, "i", x)
self._interp = x
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setInterp(wrap(x, i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
[docs] def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
self._map_list = [
SLMap(-2.0, 2.0, "lin", "speed", self._speed),
SLMap(1, 4, "lin", "interp", self._interp, res="int", dataOnly=True),
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
def path(self):
"""string. Full path of the sound."""
return self._path
def path(self, x):
def sound(self):
"""string. Alias to the `path` attribute."""
return self._path
def sound(self, x):
def speed(self):
"""float or PyoObject. Transposition factor."""
return self._speed
def speed(self, x):
def loop(self):
"""bool. Looping mode."""
return self._loop
def loop(self, x):
def offset(self):
"""float. Time, in seconds, of the first sample to read."""
return self._offset
def offset(self, x):
def interp(self):
"""int {1, 2, 3, 4}. Interpolation method."""
return self._interp
def interp(self, x):
[docs]class SfMarkerShuffler(PyoObject):
AIFF with markers soundfile shuffler.
Reads audio data from a AIFF file using one of several available
interpolation types. User can alter its pitch with the `speed`
attribute. The object takes care of sampling rate conversion to
match the Server sampling rate setting.
The reading pointer randomly choose a marker (from the MARK chunk
in the header of the AIFF file) as its starting point and reads
the samples until it reaches the following marker. Then, it choose
another marker and reads from the new position and so on...
:Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
path: string
Full path name of the sound to read. Can't e changed after
speed: float or PyoObject, optional
Transpose the pitch of input sound by this factor.
Defaults to 1.
1 is the original pitch, lower values play sound slower, and higher
values play sound faster.
Negative values results in playing sound backward.
Although the `speed` attribute accepts audio
rate signal, its value is updated only once per buffer size.
interp: int, optional
Choice of the interpolation method. Defaults to 2.
1. no interpolation
2. linear
3. cosinus
4. cubic
>>> s = Server().boot()
>>> s.start()
>>> sound = SNDS_PATH + "/transparent.aif"
>>> sf = SfMarkerShuffler(sound, speed=[1,1], mul=.3).out()
>>> sf.setRandomType("expon_min", 0.6)
def __init__(self, path, speed=1, interp=2, mul=1, add=0):
pyoArgsAssert(self, "sOiOO", path, speed, interp, mul, add)
PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
self._speed = speed
self._interp = interp
path, speed, interp, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path, speed, interp, mul, add)
self._base_players = []
self._base_objs = []
self._snd_size, self._dur, self._snd_sr, self._snd_chnls, _format, _type = sndinfo(path[0], raise_on_failure=True)
for i in range(lmax):
sf = aifc.open(wrap(path, i)) # Do we need stringencode() here?
markerstmp = sf.getmarkers()
self._markers = [m[1] for m in markerstmp]
self._markers = []
SfMarkerShuffler_base(stringencode(wrap(path, i)), self._markers, wrap(speed, i), wrap(interp, i))
for i in range(lmax * self._snd_chnls):
j = i // self._snd_chnls
SfMarkerShuffle_base(wrap(self._base_players, j), i % self._snd_chnls, wrap(mul, j), wrap(add, j))
[docs] def setSpeed(self, x):
Replace the `speed` attribute.
x: float or PyoObject
new `speed` attribute.
pyoArgsAssert(self, "O", x)
self._speed = x
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setSpeed(wrap(x, i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
[docs] def setInterp(self, x):
Replace the `interp` attribute.
x: int {1, 2, 3, 4}
new `interp` attribute.
pyoArgsAssert(self, "i", x)
self._interp = x
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setInterp(wrap(x, i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
[docs] def setRandomType(self, dist=0, x=0.5):
Set the random distribution type used to choose the markers.
dist: int or string
The distribution type. Available distributions are:
0. uniform (default)
1. linear minimum
2. linear maximum
3. triangular
4. exponential minimum
5. exponential maximum
6. double (bi)exponential
7. cauchy
8. weibull
9. gaussian
x: float
Distribution specific parameter, if applicable, as a float
between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.5.
.. note::
Depending on the distribution type, `x` parameter is applied as
follow (names as string, or associated number can be used as `dist`
0. uniform
- x: not used
1. linear_min
- x: not used
2. linear_max
- x: not used
3. triangle
- x: not used
4. expon_min
- x: slope {0 = no slope -> 1 = sharp slope}
5. expon_max
- x: slope {0 = no slope -> 1 = sharp slope}
6. biexpon
- x: bandwidth {0 = huge bandwidth -> 1 = narrow bandwidth}
7. cauchy
- x: bandwidth {0 = huge bandwidth -> 1 = narroe bandwidth}
8. weibull
- x: shape {0 = expon min => linear min => 1 = gaussian}
9. gaussian
- x: bandwidth {0 = huge bandwidth -> 1 = narrow bandwidth}
dist, x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(dist, x)
for i, t in enumerate(dist):
if type(t) in [bytes, str]:
dist[i] = XNOISE_DICT.get(t, 0)
[obj.setRandomType(wrap(dist, i), wrap(x, i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
[docs] def getMarkers(self):
Returns a list of marker time values in samples.
return self._markers
[docs] def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
self._map_list = [
SLMap(0.01, 2.0, "lin", "speed", self._speed),
SLMap(1, 4, "lin", "interp", self._interp, res="int", dataOnly=True),
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
def speed(self):
"""float or PyoObject. Transposition factor."""
return self._speed
def speed(self, x):
def interp(self):
"""int {1, 2, 3, 4}. Interpolation method."""
return self._interp
def interp(self, x):
[docs]class SfMarkerLooper(PyoObject):
AIFF with markers soundfile looper.
Reads audio data from a AIFF file using one of several available
interpolation types. User can alter its pitch with the `speed`
attribute. The object takes care of sampling rate conversion to
match the Server sampling rate setting.
The reading pointer loops a specific marker (from the MARK chunk
in the header of the AIFF file) until it received a new integer
in the `mark` attribute.
:Parent: :py:class:`PyoObject`
path: string
Full path name of the sound to read.
speed: float or PyoObject, optional
Transpose the pitch of input sound by this factor.
Defaults to 1.
1 is the original pitch, lower values play sound slower, and higher
values play sound faster.
Negative values results in playing sound backward.
Although the `speed` attribute accepts audio
rate signal, its value is updated only once per buffer size.
mark: float or PyoObject, optional
Integer denoting the marker to loop, in the range
0 -> len(getMarkers()). Defaults to 0.
interp: int, optional
Choice of the interpolation method. Defaults to 2.
1. no interpolation
2. linear
3. cosinus
4. cubic
>>> s = Server().boot()
>>> s.start()
>>> a = SfMarkerLooper(SNDS_PATH + '/transparent.aif', speed=[.999,1], mul=.3).out()
>>> rnd = RandInt(len(a.getMarkers()), 2)
>>> a.mark = rnd
def __init__(self, path, speed=1, mark=0, interp=2, mul=1, add=0):
pyoArgsAssert(self, "sOOiOO", path, speed, mark, interp, mul, add)
PyoObject.__init__(self, mul, add)
self._speed = speed
self._mark = mark
self._interp = interp
path, speed, mark, interp, mul, add, lmax = convertArgsToLists(path, speed, mark, interp, mul, add)
self._base_players = []
self._base_objs = []
self._snd_size, self._dur, self._snd_sr, self._snd_chnls, _format, _type = sndinfo(path[0], raise_on_failure=True)
for i in range(lmax):
sf = aifc.open(wrap(path, i))
markerstmp = sf.getmarkers()
self._markers = [m[1] for m in markerstmp]
self._markers = []
stringencode(wrap(path, i)), self._markers, wrap(speed, i), wrap(mark, i), wrap(interp, i)
for i in range(lmax * self._snd_chnls):
j = i // self._snd_chnls
SfMarkerLoop_base(wrap(self._base_players, j), i % self._snd_chnls, wrap(mul, j), wrap(add, j))
[docs] def setSpeed(self, x):
Replace the `speed` attribute.
x: float or PyoObject
new `speed` attribute.
pyoArgsAssert(self, "O", x)
self._speed = x
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setSpeed(wrap(x, i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
[docs] def setMark(self, x):
Replace the `mark` attribute.
x: float or PyoObject
new `mark` attribute.
pyoArgsAssert(self, "O", x)
self._mark = x
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setMark(wrap(x, i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
[docs] def setInterp(self, x):
Replace the `interp` attribute.
x: int {1, 2, 3, 4}
new `interp` attribute.
pyoArgsAssert(self, "i", x)
self._interp = x
x, lmax = convertArgsToLists(x)
[obj.setInterp(wrap(x, i)) for i, obj in enumerate(self._base_players)]
[docs] def getMarkers(self):
Returns a list of marker time values in samples.
return self._markers
[docs] def ctrl(self, map_list=None, title=None, wxnoserver=False):
self._map_list = [
SLMap(0.01, 2.0, "lin", "speed", self._speed),
SLMap(0, len(self._markers) - 1, "lin", "mark", self._mark, "int"),
SLMap(1, 4, "lin", "interp", self._interp, res="int", dataOnly=True),
PyoObject.ctrl(self, map_list, title, wxnoserver)
def speed(self):
"""float or PyoObject. Transposition factor."""
return self._speed
def speed(self, x):
def mark(self):
"""float or PyoObject. Marker to loop."""
return self._marker
def mark(self, x):
def interp(self):
"""int {1, 2, 3, 4}. Interpolation method."""
return self._interp
def interp(self, x):