Source code for pyo.lib.wxgui

The classes in this module are based on internal classes that where
originally designed to help the creation of graphical tools for the
control and the visualization of audio signals. WxPython must be installed
under the current Python distribution to access these classes.

from ._widgets import PYO_USE_WX

if not PYO_USE_WX:
    NO_WX_MESSAGE = "WxPython must be installed on the system to use pyo's wx widgets."

    class PyoGuiControlSlider:
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            raise Exception(NO_WX_MESSAGE)

    class PyoGuiVuMeter:
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            raise Exception(NO_WX_MESSAGE)

    class PyoGuiGrapher:
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            raise Exception(NO_WX_MESSAGE)

    class PyoGuiMultiSlider:
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            raise Exception(NO_WX_MESSAGE)

    class PyoGuiSpectrum:
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            raise Exception(NO_WX_MESSAGE)

    class PyoGuiScope:
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            raise Exception(NO_WX_MESSAGE)

    class PyoGuiSndView:
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            raise Exception(NO_WX_MESSAGE)

    class PyoGuiKeyboard:
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            raise Exception(NO_WX_MESSAGE)

    import wx
    import wx.lib.newevent
    from ._wxwidgets import ControlSlider, VuMeter, Grapher, DataMultiSlider, HRangeSlider
    from ._wxwidgets import SpectrumPanel, ScopePanel, SndViewTablePanel, Keyboard

    if "phoenix" not in wx.version():
        wx.QueueEvent = wx.PostEvent

    # Custom events
    PyoGuiControlSliderEvent, EVT_PYO_GUI_CONTROL_SLIDER = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
    PyoGuiGrapherEvent, EVT_PYO_GUI_GRAPHER = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
    PyoGuiMultiSliderEvent, EVT_PYO_GUI_MULTI_SLIDER = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
    PyoGuiSndViewMousePositionEvent, EVT_PYO_GUI_SNDVIEW_MOUSE_POSITION = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
    PyoGuiSndViewSelectionEvent, EVT_PYO_GUI_SNDVIEW_SELECTION = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()
    PyoGuiKeyboardEvent, EVT_PYO_GUI_KEYBOARD = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()

[docs] class PyoGuiControlSlider(ControlSlider): """ Floating-point control slider. :Parent: wx.Panel :Events: EVT_PYO_GUI_CONTROL_SLIDER Sent after any change of the slider position. The current value of the slider can be retrieve with the `value` attribute of the generated event. The object itself can be retrieve with the `object` attribute of the event and the object's id with the `id` attrbute. :Args: parent: wx.Window The parent window. minvalue: float The minimum value of the slider. maxvalue: float The maximum value of the slider. init: float, optional The initial value of the slider. If None, the slider inits to the minimum value. Defaults to None. pos: tuple, optional The slider's position in pixel (x, y). Defaults to (0, 0). size: tuple, optional The slider's size in pixel (x, y). Defaults to (200, 16). log: boolean, optional If True, creates a logarithmic slider (minvalue must be greater than 0). Defaults to False. integer: boolean, optional If True, creates an integer slider. Defaults to False. powoftwo: boolean, optional If True, creates a power-of-two slider (log is automatically False and integer is True). If True, minvalue and maxvalue must be exponents to base 2 but init is a real power-of-two value. Defaults to False. orient: {wx.HORIZONTAL or wx.VERTICAL}, optional The slider's orientation. Defaults to wx.HORIZONTAL. """ def __init__( self, parent, minvalue, maxvalue, init=None, pos=(0, 0), size=(200, 16), log=False, integer=False, powoftwo=False, orient=wx.HORIZONTAL, ): super(PyoGuiControlSlider, self).__init__( parent, minvalue, maxvalue, init, pos, size, log, self._outFunction, integer, powoftwo, parent.GetBackgroundColour(), orient, ) def _outFunction(self, value): evt = PyoGuiControlSliderEvent(value=value, id=self.GetId(), object=self) wx.QueueEvent(self, evt)
[docs] def enable(self): """ Enable the slider for user input. """ super(PyoGuiControlSlider, self).Enable()
[docs] def disable(self): """ Disable the slider for user input. """ super(PyoGuiControlSlider, self).Disable()
[docs] def setValue(self, x, propagate=True): """ Sets a new value to the slider. :Args: x: int or float The controller number. propagate: boolean, optional If True, an event will be sent after the call. """ super(PyoGuiControlSlider, self).SetValue(x, propagate)
[docs] def setMidiCtl(self, x, propagate=True): """ Sets the midi controller number to show on the slider. :Args: x: int The controller number. propagate: boolean, optional If True, an event will be sent after the call. """ super(PyoGuiControlSlider, self).setMidiCtl(x, propagate)
[docs] def setRange(self, minvalue, maxvalue): """ Sets new minimum and maximum values. :Args: minvalue: int or float The new minimum value. maxvalue: int or float The new maximum value. """ super(PyoGuiControlSlider, self).setRange(minvalue, maxvalue)
[docs] def getValue(self): """ Returns the current value of the slider. """ return super(PyoGuiControlSlider, self).GetValue()
[docs] def getMidiCtl(self): """ Returns the midi controller number, if any, assigned to the slider. """ return super(PyoGuiControlSlider, self).getMidiCtl()
[docs] def getMinValue(self): """ Returns the current minimum value. """ return super(PyoGuiControlSlider, self).getMinValue()
[docs] def getMaxValue(self): """ Returns the current maximum value. """ return super(PyoGuiControlSlider, self).getMaxValue()
[docs] def getInit(self): """ Returns the initial value. """ return super(PyoGuiControlSlider, self).getInit()
[docs] def getRange(self): """ Returns minimum and maximum values as a list. """ return super(PyoGuiControlSlider, self).getRange()
[docs] def isInteger(self): """ Returns True if the slider manage only integer, False otherwise. """ return self.integer
[docs] def isLog(self): """ Returns True if the slider is logarithmic, False otherwise. """ return self.log
[docs] def isPowOfTwo(self): """ Returns True if the slider manage only power-of-two values, False otherwise. """ return self.powoftwo
[docs] class PyoGuiVuMeter(VuMeter): """ Multi-channels Vu Meter. When registered as the Server's meter, its internal method `setRms` will be called each buffer size with a list of normalized amplitudes as argument. The `setRms` method can also be registered as the function callback of a PeakAmp object. :Parent: wx.Panel :Args: parent: wx.Window The parent window. nchnls: int, optional The initial number of channels of the meter. Defaults to 2. pos: wx.Point, optional Window position in pixels. Defaults to (0, 0). size: tuple, optional The meter's size in pixels (x, y). Defaults to (200, 11). orient: {wx.HORIZONTAL or wx.VERTICAL}, optional The meter's orientation. Defaults to wx.HORIZONTAL. style: int, optional Window style (see wx.Window documentation). Defaults to 0. """ def __init__(self, parent, nchnls=2, pos=(0, 0), size=(200, 11), orient=wx.HORIZONTAL, style=0): super(PyoGuiVuMeter, self).__init__(parent, size, nchnls, orient, pos, style)
[docs] def setNchnls(self, nchnls): """ Sets the number of channels of the meter. :Args: nchnls: int The number of channels. """ super(PyoGuiVuMeter, self).setNumSliders(nchnls)
[docs] class PyoGuiGrapher(Grapher): """ Multi-modes break-points function editor. :Parent: wx.Panel :Events: EVT_PYO_GUI_GRAPHER Sent after any change of the grapher function. The current list of points of the grapher can be retrieve with the `value` attribute of the generated event. The object itself can be retrieve with the `object` attribute of the event and the object's id with the `id` attrbute. :Args: parent: wx.Window The parent window. xlen: int, optional The length, in samples, of the grapher. Defaults to 8192. yrange: two-values tuple, optional A tuple indicating the minimum and maximum values of the Y-axis. Defaults to (0, 1). init: list of two-values tuples, optional The initial break-points function set as normalized values. A point is defined with its X and Y positions as a tuple. Defaults to [(0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0)]. mode: int, optional The grapher mode definning how line segments will be draw. Possible modes are: 0. linear (default) 1. cosine 2. exponential (uses `exp` and `inverse` arguments) 3. curve (uses `tension` and `bias` arguments) 4. logarithmic 5. logarithmic cosine exp: int or float, optional The exponent factor for an exponential graph. Defaults to 10.0. inverse: boolean, optional If True, downward slope will be inversed. Useful to create biexponential curves. Defaults to True. tension: int or float, optional Curvature at the known points. 1 is high, 0 normal, -1 is low. Defaults to 0. bias: int or float, optional Curve attraction (for each segments) toward bundary points. 0 is even, positive is towards first point, negative is towards the second point. Defaults to 0. pos: wx.Point, optional Window position in pixels. Defaults to (0, 0). size: wx.Size, optional Window size in pixels. Defaults to (300, 200). style: int, optional Window style (see wx.Window documentation). Defaults to 0. """ def __init__( self, parent, xlen=8192, yrange=(0, 1), init=[(0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0)], mode=0, exp=10, inverse=True, tension=0, bias=0, pos=(0, 0), size=(300, 200), style=0, ): super(PyoGuiGrapher, self).__init__( parent, xlen, yrange, init, mode, exp, inverse, tension, bias, self._outFunction, pos, size, style ) def _outFunction(self, value): evt = PyoGuiGrapherEvent(value=value, id=self.GetId(), object=self) wx.QueueEvent(self, evt) def _refresh(self): self.Refresh() self.sendValues()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the points to the initial state. """ super(PyoGuiGrapher, self).reset()
[docs] def getPoints(self): """ Returns the current normalized points of the grapher. """ return super(PyoGuiGrapher, self).getPoints()
[docs] def getValues(self): """ Returns the current points, according to Y-axis range, of the grapher. """ return super(PyoGuiGrapher, self).getValues()
[docs] def setPoints(self, pts): """ Sets a new group of normalized points in the grapher. :Args: pts: list of two-values tuples New normalized (between 0 and 1) points. """ self.points = [pt for pt in pts] self._refresh()
[docs] def setValues(self, vals): """ Sets a new group of points, according to Y-axis range, in the grapher. :Args: vals: list of two-values tuples New real points. """ self.points = [self.valuesToPoint(val) for val in vals] self._refresh()
[docs] def setYrange(self, yrange): """ Sets a new Y-axis range to the grapher. :Args: yrange: two-values tuple New Y-axis range. """ vals = self.getValues() self.yrange = yrange self.setValues(vals)
[docs] def setInitPoints(self, pts): """ Sets a new initial normalized points list to the grapher. :Args: pts: list of two-values tuples New normalized (between 0 and 1) initial points. """ super(PyoGuiGrapher, self).setInitPoints(pts)
[docs] def setMode(self, x): """ Changes the grapher's mode. :Args: x: int New mode. Possible modes are: 0. linear (default) 1. cosine 2. exponential (uses `exp` and `inverse` arguments) 3. curve (uses `tension` and `bias` arguments) 4. logarithmic 5. logarithmic cosine """ self.mode = x self._refresh()
[docs] def setExp(self, x): """ Changes the grapher's exponent factor for exponential graph. :Args: x: float New exponent factor. """ self.exp = x self._refresh()
[docs] def setInverse(self, x): """ Changes the grapher's inverse boolean for exponential graph. :Args: x: boolean New inverse factor. """ self.inverse = x self._refresh()
[docs] def setTension(self, x): """ Changes the grapher's tension factor for curved graph. :Args: x: float New tension factor. """ self.tension = x self._refresh()
[docs] def setBias(self, x): """ Changes the grapher's bias factor for curved graph. :Args: x: float New bias factor. """ self.bias = x self._refresh()
[docs] class PyoGuiMultiSlider(DataMultiSlider): """ Data multi-sliders editor. :Parent: wx.Panel :Events: EVT_PYO_GUI_MULTI_SLIDER Sent after any change of the multi-sliders values. The current list of values of the multi-sliders can be retrieve with the `value` attribute of the generated event. The object itself can be retrieve with the `object` attribute of the event and the object's id with the `id` attrbute. :Args: parent: wx.Window The parent window. xlen: int, optional The number of sliders in the multi-sliders. Defaults to 16. yrange: two-values tuple A tuple indicating the minimum and maximum values of the Y-axis. Defaults to (0, 1). init: list values, optional The initial list of values of the multi-sliders. Defaults to None, meaning all sliders initialized to the minimum value. pos: wx.Point, optional Window position in pixels. Defaults to (0, 0). size: wx.Size, optional Window size in pixels. Defaults to (300, 200). style: int, optional Window style (see wx.Window documentation). Defaults to 0. """ def __init__(self, parent, xlen=16, yrange=(0, 1), init=None, pos=(0, 0), size=(300, 200), style=0): if init is None: init = [yrange[0]] * xlen else: if len(init) < xlen: init += [yrange[0]] * (xlen - len(init)) elif len(init) > xlen: init = init[:xlen] super(PyoGuiMultiSlider, self).__init__(parent, init, yrange, self._outFunction, pos, size, style) def _outFunction(self, value): evt = PyoGuiMultiSliderEvent(value=value, id=self.GetId(), object=self) wx.QueueEvent(self, evt)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the sliders to their initial state. """ super(PyoGuiMultiSlider, self).reset()
[docs] def getValues(self): """ Returns the current values of the sliders. """ return [v for v in self.values]
[docs] def setValues(self, vals): """ Sets new values to the sliders. :Args: vals: list of values New values. """ wx.CallAfter(super(PyoGuiMultiSlider, self).update, vals)
[docs] def setYrange(self, yrange): """ Sets a new Y-axis range to the multi-sliders. :Args: yrange: two-values tuple New Y-axis range. """ self.yrange = (float(yrange[0]), float(yrange[1])) self.Refresh()
[docs] class PyoGuiSpectrum(SpectrumPanel): """ Frequency spectrum display. This widget should be used with the Spectrum object, which measures the magnitude of an input signal versus frequency within a user defined range. It can show both magnitude and frequency on linear or logarithmic scale. To create the bridge between the analyzer and the display, the Spectrum object must be registered in the PyoGuiSpectrum object with the setAnalyzer(obj) method. The Spectrum object will automatically call the update(points) method to refresh the display. :Parent: wx.Panel :Args: parent: wx.Window The parent window. lowfreq: int or float, optional The lowest frequency, in Hz, to display on the X-axis. Defaults to 0. highfreq: int or float, optional The highest frequency, in Hz, to display on the X-axis. Defaults to 22050. fscaling: int, optional The frequency scaling on the X-axis. 0 means linear, 1 means logarithmic. Defaults to 0. mscaling: int, optional The magnitude scaling on the Y-axis. 0 means linear, 1 means logarithmic. Defaults to 0. pos: wx.Point, optional Window position in pixels. Defaults to (0, 0). size: wx.Size, optional Window size in pixels. Defaults to (300, 200). style: int, optional Window style (see wx.Window documentation). Defaults to 0. """ def __init__( self, parent, lowfreq=0, highfreq=22050, fscaling=0, mscaling=0, pos=(0, 0), size=(300, 200), style=0 ): super(PyoGuiSpectrum, self).__init__(parent, 1, lowfreq, highfreq, fscaling, mscaling, pos, size, style)
[docs] def update(self, points): """ Display updating method. This method is automatically called by the audio analyzer object (Spectrum) with points to draw as arguments. The points are already formatted for the current drawing surface to save CPU cycles. The method setAnalyzer(obj) must be used to register the audio analyzer object. :Args: points: list of list of tuples A list containing n-channels list of tuples. A tuple is a point (X-Y coordinates) to draw. """ wx.CallAfter(self.setImage, points)
[docs] def setAnalyzer(self, object): """ Register an audio analyzer object (Spectrum). :Args: object: Spectrum object The audio object performing the frequency analysis. """ self.obj = object self.obj.setFunction(self.update) self.obj.setLowFreq(self.lowfreq) self.obj.setHighFreq(self.highfreq) self.obj.setFscaling(self.fscaling) self.obj.setMscaling(self.mscaling) self.setChnls(len(self.obj))
[docs] def setLowFreq(self, x): """ Changes the lowest frequency of the display. This method propagates the value to the audio analyzer. :Args: x: int or float New lowest frequency. """ if self.obj is not None: self.obj.setLowFreq(x) super(PyoGuiSpectrum, self).setLowFreq(x)
[docs] def setHighFreq(self, x): """ Changes the highest frequency of the display. This method propagates the value to the audio analyzer. :Args: x: int or float New highest frequency. """ if self.obj is not None: self.obj.setHighFreq(x) super(PyoGuiSpectrum, self).setHighFreq(x)
[docs] def setFscaling(self, x): """ Changes the frequency scaling (X-axis) of the display. This method propagates the value to the audio analyzer. :Args: x: int 0 means linear scaling, 1 means logarithmic scaling. """ if self.obj is not None: self.obj.setFscaling(x) super(PyoGuiSpectrum, self).setFscaling(x)
[docs] def setMscaling(self, x): """ Changes the magnitude scaling (Y-axis) of the display. This method propagates the value to the audio analyzer. :Args: x: int 0 means linear scaling, 1 means logarithmic scaling. """ if self.obj is not None: self.obj.setMscaling(x) super(PyoGuiSpectrum, self).setMscaling(x)
[docs] class PyoGuiScope(ScopePanel): """ Oscilloscope display. This widget should be used with the Scope object, which computes the waveform of an input signal to display on a GUI. To create the bridge between the analyzer and the display, the Scope object must be registered in the PyoGuiScope object with the setAnalyzer(obj) method. The Scope object will automatically call the update(points) method to refresh the display. :Parent: wx.Panel :Args: parent: wx.Window The parent window. length: float, optional Length, in seconds, of the waveform segment displayed on the window. Defaults to 0.05. gain: float, optional Linear gain applied to the signal to be displayed. Defaults to 0.67. pos: wx.Point, optional Window position in pixels. Defaults to (0, 0). size: wx.Size, optional Window size in pixels. Defaults to (300, 200). style: int, optional Window style (see wx.Window documentation). Defaults to 0. """ def __init__(self, parent, length=0.05, gain=0.67, pos=(0, 0), size=(300, 200), style=0): super(PyoGuiScope, self).__init__(parent, None, pos, size, style) super(PyoGuiScope, self).setLength(length) super(PyoGuiScope, self).setGain(gain)
[docs] def update(self, points): """ Display updating method. This method is automatically called by the audio analyzer object (Scope) with points to draw as arguments. The points are already formatted for the current drawing surface to save CPU cycles. The method setAnalyzer(obj) must be used to register the audio analyzer object. :Args: points: list of list of tuples A list containing n-channels list of tuples. A tuple is a point (X-Y coordinates) to draw. """ wx.CallAfter(self.setImage, points)
[docs] def setAnalyzer(self, object): """ Register an audio analyzer object (Scope). :Args: object: Scope object The audio object performing the waveform analysis. """ self.obj = object self.obj.setFunction(self.update) self.obj.setLength(self.length) self.obj.setGain(self.gain) self.setChnls(len(self.obj))
[docs] def setLength(self, x): """ Changes the length, in seconds, of the displayed audio segment. This method propagates the value to the audio analyzer. :Args: x: float New segment length in seconds. """ if self.obj is not None: self.obj.setLength(x) super(PyoGuiScope, self).setLength(x)
[docs] def setGain(self, x): """ Changes the gain applied to the input signal. This method propagates the value to the audio analyzer. :Args: x: float New linear gain. """ if self.obj is not None: self.obj.setGain(x) super(PyoGuiScope, self).setGain(x)
# left-click + drag ===> event position # right-click + drag ===> highlight a selection + event selection (start, end) # Shift + right-click + drag ===> move the selection + event selection (start, end) # Ctrl + right-click ===> delete the selection + event selection (0.0, 1.0)
[docs] class PyoGuiSndView(wx.Panel): """ Soundfile display. This widget should be used with the SndTable object, which keeps soundfile in memory and computes the waveform to display on the GUI. To create the bridge between the audio memory and the display, the SndTable object must be registered in the PyoGuiSndView object with the setTable(object) method. The SndTable object will automatically call the update() method to refresh the display when the table is modified. :Parent: wx.Panel :Events: EVT_PYO_GUI_SNDVIEW_MOUSE_POSITION Sent when the mouse is moving on the panel with the left button pressed. The `value` attribute of the event will hold the normalized position of the mouse into the sound. For X-axis value, 0.0 is the beginning of the sound and 1.0 is the end of the sound. For the Y-axis, 0.0 is the bottom of the panel and 1.0 is the top. The object itself can be retrieve with the `object` attribute of the event and the object's id with the `id` attrbute. EVT_PYO_GUI_SNDVIEW_SELECTION Sent when a new region is selected on the panel. A new selection is created with a Right-click and drag on the panel. The current selection can be moved with Shift+Right-click and drag. Ctrl+Right-click (Cmd on OSX) remove the selected region. The `value` attribute of the event will hold the normalized selection as a tuple (min, max). 0.0 means the beginning of the sound and 1.0 means the end of the sound. The object itself can be retrieve with the `object` attribute of the event and the object's id with the `id` attrbute. :Args: parent: wx.Window The parent window. pos: wx.Point, optional Window position in pixels. Defaults to (0, 0). size: wx.Size, optional Window size in pixels. Defaults to (300, 200). style: int, optional Window style (see wx.Window documentation). Defaults to 0. """ def __init__(self, parent, pos=(0, 0), size=(300, 200), style=0): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, pos=pos, size=size, style=style) box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self._curzoom = (0.0, 1.0) self.sndview = SndViewTablePanel(self, None, self._position_callback, self._select_callback) box.Add(self.sndview, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, 5) self.zoom = HRangeSlider( self, minvalue=0, maxvalue=1, valtype="float", function=self._setZoom, backColour=parent.GetBackgroundColour(), ) box.Add(self.zoom, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT, 5) self.SetSizer(box) def _setZoom(self, values=None): if values is None: values = self._curzoom dur = self.sndview.getDur() self.sndview.setBegin(dur * values[0]) self.sndview.setEnd(dur * values[1]) self._curzoom = values self.update() def _position_callback(self, pos): evt = PyoGuiSndViewMousePositionEvent(value=pos, id=self.GetId(), object=self) wx.QueueEvent(self, evt) def _select_callback(self, selection): selection = (max(0.0, min(selection)), min(max(selection), 1.0)) evt = PyoGuiSndViewSelectionEvent(value=selection, id=self.GetId(), object=self) wx.QueueEvent(self, evt) def __del__(self): if self.sndview.obj is not None: self.sndview.obj._setViewFrame(None)
[docs] def update(self): """ Display updating method. This method is automatically called by the audio memory object (SndTable) when the table is modified. The method setTable(obj) must be used to register the audio memory object. """ wx.CallAfter(self.sndview.setImage)
[docs] def setTable(self, object): """ Register an audio memory object (SndTable). :Args: object: SndTable object The audio table keeping the sound in memory. """ object._setViewFrame(self) self.sndview.obj = object self.sndview.setBegin(0.0) self.sndview.setEnd(object.getDur(False)) self.sndview.chnls = len(object) self.update()
[docs] def setSelection(self, start, stop): """ Changes the selected region. This method will trigger a EVT_PYO_GUI_SNDVIEW_SELECTION event with a tuple (start, stop) as value. :Args: start: float The starting point of the selected region. This value must be normalized between 0 and 1 (0 is the beginning of the sound, 1 is the end). stop: float The ending point of the selected region. This value must be normalized between 0 and 1 (0 is the beginning of the sound, 1 is the end). """ self.sndview.setSelection(start, stop)
[docs] def resetSelection(self): """ Removes the selected region. This method will trigger a EVT_PYO_GUI_SNDVIEW_SELECTION event with a tuple (0.0, 1.0) as value. """ self.sndview.resetSelection()
[docs] class PyoGuiKeyboard(Keyboard): """ Virtual MIDI keyboard. :Parent: wx.Panel :Events: EVT_PYO_GUI_KEYBOARD Sent whenever a note change on the keyboard. The `value` attribute of the event will hold a (pitch, velocity) tuple. The object itself can be retrieve with the `object` attribute of the event and the object's id with the `id` attrbute. :Args: parent: wx.Window The parent window. poly: int, optional Maximum number of notes that can be held at the same time. Defaults to 64. pos: wx.Point, optional Window position in pixels. Defaults to (0, 0). size: wx.Size, optional Window size in pixels. Defaults to (300, 200). style: int, optional Window style (see wx.Window documentation). Defaults to 0. """ def __init__(self, parent, poly=64, pos=(0, 0), size=(600, 100), style=0): super(PyoGuiKeyboard, self).__init__(parent, wx.ID_ANY, pos, size, poly, self._outFunction, style) def _outFunction(self, value): evt = PyoGuiKeyboardEvent(value=value, id=self.GetId(), object=self) wx.QueueEvent(self, evt)
[docs] def getCurrentNotes(self): """ Returns a list of the current notes. """ return super(PyoGuiKeyboard, self).getCurrentNotes()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the keyboard state. """ return super(PyoGuiKeyboard, self).reset()
[docs] def setPoly(self, poly): """ Sets the maximum number of notes that can be held at the same time. :Args: poly: int New maximum number of notes held at once. """ super(PyoGuiKeyboard, self).setPoly(poly)