05-record-streams.py - Recording individual audio streams on disk.¶
The Record object can be used to record specific audio streams from a performance. It can be useful to record a sound in mutiple tracks to make post-processing on individual part easier. This example record the bass, the mid and the higher part in three separated files on the user’s desktop.
The fileformat and sampletype arguments are the same as in the Server’s recordOptions method.
from pyo import *
import os
s = Server().boot()
# Defines sound file paths.
path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Desktop")
bname = os.path.join(path, "bass.wav")
mname = os.path.join(path, "mid.wav")
hname = os.path.join(path, "high.wav")
# Creates an amplitude envelope
amp = Fader(fadein=1, fadeout=1, dur=10, mul=0.3).play()
# Bass voice
blfo = Sine(freq=[0.15, 0.16]).range(78, 82)
bass = RCOsc(freq=blfo, mul=amp).out()
# Mid voice
mlfo = Sine(freq=[0.18, 0.19]).range(0.24, 0.26)
mid = FM(carrier=1600, ratio=mlfo, index=5, mul=amp * 0.3).out()
# High voice
hlfo = Sine(freq=[0.1, 0.11, 0.12, 0.13]).range(7000, 8000)
high = Sine(freq=hlfo, mul=amp * 0.1).out()
# Creates the recorders
brec = Record(bass, filename=bname, chnls=2, fileformat=0, sampletype=1)
mrec = Record(mid, filename=mname, chnls=2, fileformat=0, sampletype=1)
hrec = Record(high, filename=hname, chnls=2, fileformat=0, sampletype=1)
# After 10.1 seconds, recorder objects will be automatically deleted.
# This will trigger their stop method and properly close the sound files.
clean = Clean_objects(10.1, brec, mrec, hrec)
# Starts the internal timer of Clean_objects. Use its own thread.
# Starts the Server, in order to be sync with the cleanup process.