05-micro-montage.py - Create table from random chunks of a soundfile.¶
This example creates a new sound table from random chunks of a soundfile.
The SndTable object has some methods to help mixing different sounds or parts of sounds into a single table:
- setSound(path, start=0, stop=None)
Replace the table content with the new sound.
- insert(path, pos=0, crossfade=0, start=0, stop=None)
Insert samples at a given position in the table, with crossfades.
- append(path, crossfade=0, start=0, stop=None)
Append samples at the end of the table, with crossfade.
To generate a new mix in the sound table, call the gen() function in the Interpreter field of the Server GUI.
from pyo import *
import random
s = Server().boot()
# Path and duration of the choosen soundfile.
path = "../snds/baseballmajeur_m.aif"
snddur = sndinfo(path)[1]
# Initialize an empty sound table.
table = SndTable()
# Before generating a new table mix, we activate the fadeout of the
# envelope to ensure that the table is modified in the silence. As
# soon as the table is generated, we call the envelope fadein.
fade = Fader(fadein=0.005, fadeout=0.005, dur=0, mul=0.7)
# Reads the table with forward looping.
loop = Looper(table, dur=table.getDur(), xfade=5, mul=fade)
# Adds some reverb and send the signal to the output.
rvrb = STRev(loop, inpos=0.50, revtime=1.5, bal=0.15).out()
def addsnd():
# Randomly choose a new starting point and a new duration.
start = random.uniform(0, snddur * 0.7)
duration = random.uniform(0.1, 0.3)
# Randomly choose an insert point in the sound table and a croosfade time.
pos = random.uniform(0.05, table.getDur() - 0.5)
cross = random.uniform(0.04, duration / 2)
# Insert the new chunk in the current sound table.
table.insert(path, pos=pos, crossfade=cross, start=start, stop=start + duration)
def delgen():
# Randomly choose a new starting point and a new duration.
start = random.uniform(0, snddur * 0.7)
duration = random.uniform(0.1, 0.3)
# Load the chosen segment in the sound table.
table.setSound(path, start=start, stop=start + duration)
# Add 10 more chunks.
for i in range(10):
# Set the new table duration to the Looper and reset it.
loop.dur = table.getDur()
# Activate the envelope fadein.
# CallAfter calls a function after a given delay time.
caller = CallAfter(function=delgen, time=0.005).stop()
def gen():
"Create a new mix in the sound table."
fade.stop() # Launch the fadeout...
caller.play() # ... then call the delayed generation.
# Generate the intial table.