01-midi-scan.py - Scan for MIDI channels and controller numbers.¶
CtlScan and CtlScan2 objects are useful to find controller numbers used by your MIDI devices.
List of MIDI-related functions:
- pm_count_devices:
Returns the number of devices found by Portmidi.
- pm_get_default_input:
Returns the index number of Portmidi’s default input device.
- pm_get_default_output:
Returns the index number of Portmidi’s default output device.
- pm_get_input_devices:
Returns midi input devices (device names, device indexes) found by Portmidi.
- pm_get_output_devices:
Returns midi output devices (device names, device indexes) found by Portmidi.
- pm_list_devices:
Prints a list of all devices found by Portmidi.
from pyo import *
# Print the list of available MIDI devices to the console.
s = Server(duplex=0)
# Give the ID of the desired device (as listed by pm_list_devices()) to the
# setMidiInputDevice() of the Server. A bigger number than the higher device
# ID will open all connected MIDI devices.
# The MIDI device must be set before booting the server.
print("Play with your Midi controllers...")
# Function called by CtlScan2 object.
def scanner(ctlnum, midichnl):
print("MIDI channel: %d, controller number: %d" % (midichnl, ctlnum))
# Listen to controller input.
scan = CtlScan2(scanner, toprint=False)