State variable inside an expression

User can create state variable with the keyword let. This is useful to set an intermediate state to be used in multiple places in the processing chain. The syntax is:

(let #var (body))

The variable name must begin with a #.

The prefix expression documentation gives common use cases where we may want to use state variables.

The following example implements a phase-aligned formant (PAF) generator, as described by Miller Puckette in “The Theory and Technique of Electronic Music”, p158.

from pyo import *

s = Server().boot()

expression = """// PAF generator (single formant) //
// User variables
(let #fund 100) // fundamental frequency
(let #band 600) // formant bandwidth
(let #form 600) // formant center frequency
// Intermediate variables
(let #bw (/ #band #fund))
(let #cf (/ #form #fund))
(let #ph (* (- (~ #fund) 0.5) twopi))
(let #car ( // Carrier
    (cos (max (min (* #ph #bw) pi) (- 0 pi)))
(let #mod ( // Modulator
    (let #oct (floor #cf))
    (let #frac (% #cf 1))
    (+ (* (cos (* #ph #oct)) (- 1 #frac))
       (* (cos (* #ph (+ #oct 1))) #frac)
* (* #car #mod) 0.5

expr = Expr(Sig(0), expression, mul=0.5)

sp = Spectrum(expr)

pan = Pan(expr).out()
